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Recoding the future

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Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 2:39pm UTC)
This code will assign head & base information to 2 variables. Very useful for when you're making your own affiliate table and you want it to include the head/base of the person's skin.

/*Get Head/Base Info
Snippetted By Wrighty*/

var head_table = get('table','tag')[0].cloneNode(true);
var foot_table = get('table','tag')[3].cloneNode(true);

This is a snippet, and shouldn't be used as is. This code is provided to show the best way to go about getting the information.
Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:36pm UTC)
um may i ask, how exactly can this be used, i dont understand what it does.

Recoding the future

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Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:40pm UTC)
It's more for coders to use. If someone's making an affiliate table for example. They can build head & base images into it without having to prompt for head/base information.

Until I thought of this, that would have been the way to add head and base images.
Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:50pm UTC)
ah i see, and i am a code {Tongue Out} at least here soon i will get into coding for vforums, thats why i asked. and ty

Recoding the future

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Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:53pm UTC)
Welcome! {Smile}
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Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:58pm UTC)
It's more for coders to use. If someone's making an affiliate table for example. They can build head & base images into it without having to prompt for head/base information.

Until I thought of this, that would have been the way to add head and base images.

Could they not just surround their affiliate table in the same classes/id's that the CSS that inserts the head/base images originally uses? {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.

Recoding the future

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Re: Get Head/Base Info (27th Apr 08 at 6:59pm UTC)
It's more for coders to use. If someone's making an affiliate table for example. They can build head & base images into it without having to prompt for head/base information.

Until I thought of this, that would have been the way to add head and base images.

Could they not just surround their affiliate table in the same classes/id's that the CSS that inserts the head/base images originally uses? {Wink}

I thought that, but I remember (when I last looked) that the left & right images are actually included in image tags, and not through CSS
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