vForums Support :: Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: Code Index v2 - View Topic
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| Marc vChat Developer
     I <3 Rossy
Posts: 3,388 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Ontario, Canada Age: 32 Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmwww | Code Index v2 (9th Mar 08 at 6:24pm UTC) Adds an improved code index to your board. | | This is version two of my other Code Index. It adds a code index to your forum, allowing you to organize and display codes.
New Features: - Show index in either board or thread - Ability to open links in same/new window - Show coders - View codes by coder - Total coders in database stats
This code comes in two parts.
Part 1: Board Header
 Code: - <div id="code_database"></div>
Part 2: Board Footer
 Code: - <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- /*
- Code Index v2 by Cr0w
- Copyright 2008
- Do not repost
- */
- //Last Update
- var lastup = "Sunday March 9th, 2008 12:51PM"; // Most recent update
- //Database Options
- var dbshow = 0; // 0 = Show index in board, 1 = Show index in thread
- var dbthread = 9; // The thread where your index will be [if dbshow = 1]
- var dbforum = "codeindex2"; // The board id where your index is in
- var dbwin = 0; // 0 = Open codes on same page, 1 = Open in new window
- //Sections
- var sections = [];
- sections[0]=["Category Name","Category ID"];
- sections[1]=["Category Name","Category ID"];
- sections[2]=["Category Name","Category ID"];
- //Creators
- var creators = [];
- creators[0] = ["Display Name 1","Username"]; // ID = 0
- creators[1] = ["Display Name 2","Username"]; // ID = 1
- creators[2] = ["Display Name 3","Username"]; // ID = 2
- //Codes
- var codes = []; var _cd = 0;
- codes[_cd++] = ["Code Name","Thread Number","Creator ID","Category ID"];
- codes[_cd++] = ["Code Name","Thread Number","Creator ID","Category ID"];
- codes[_cd++] = ["Code Name","Thread Number","Creator ID","Category ID"];
- codes[_cd++] = ["Code Name","Thread Number","Creator ID","Category ID"];
- codes[_cd++] = ["Code Name","Thread Number","Creator ID","Category ID"];
- //Do not edit below
- function showdb(){
- var td=document.getElementsByTagName("td");
- if(dbshow==1){
- for(t=6;t<td.length;t++){
- td[t].style.display="none";
- }
- }
- document.getElementById('code_database').innerHTML='<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="border" width="'+vf_width+'" align="center" id="codedb"><tr><td class="title1" colspan="2" align="center">Code Database</td></tr><tr><td class="title2" width="20%" align="center">Navigation</td><td class="title2" width="80%" align="center">Main</td></tr><tr><td class="window1" width="20%" valign="top"><div id="navhere"></div><div id="searchit"></div></td><td class="window1" width="80%" valign="top"><div id="dbmain"></div></td></tr></table><br />';
- var nav=document.getElementById("navhere");
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- var search=document.getElementById("searchit");
- /* Categories */
- nav.innerHTML="";
- nav.innerHTML+="<b>Categories</b><br />";
- for(l=0;l<sections.length;l++){
- var catnum=l+1;
- nav.innerHTML+=catnum+". <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"catchange('"+sections[l][1]+"')\">"+sections[l][0]+"</a><br />";
- }
- nav.innerHTML+="<br />";
- nav.innerHTML+="<b>Other</b><br />";
- nav.innerHTML+="1. <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='location.reload()'>Recent Codes</a><br />";
- nav.innerHTML+="2. <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='showfulldb()'>All Codes</a><br />";
- nav.innerHTML+="3. <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='showcreators()'>All Coders</a><br />";
- nav.innerHTML+="4. <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='aboutdb()'>About</a><br /><br />";
- /* Main DB Page */
- main.innerHTML="";
- main.innerHTML+="<u><b>Database Info</b></u>";
- main.innerHTML+="<br />";
- main.innerHTML+="<b>Total Codes:</b> <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='showfulldb()'>"+codes.length+"</a><br />";
- main.innerHTML+="<b>Total Coders:</b> <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='showcreators()'>"+creators.length+"</a><br />";
- main.innerHTML+="<b>Last Updated:</b> "+lastup+"<br /><br />";
- main.innerHTML+="<b><u>Last 5 Codes</u></b><br /><br />";
- var FiveNew="";
- var num=1;
- for(t=codes.length-1;t>codes.length-6;t--){
- FiveNew+=num+". <a href='/board/"+dbforum+"/action/view_topic/topic/"+codes[t][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+codes[t][0]+"</a> by <a href = '/action/view_profile/user/"+creators[codes[t][2]][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+creators[codes[t][2]][0]+"</a><br />";
- num=num+1;
- }
- main.innerHTML+=FiveNew;
- /* Search DB */
- search.innerHTML="";
- search.innerHTML+="<b>Search:</b><br />";
- search.innerHTML+="<input type='text' id='lookfor' style='width: 60%' /> ";
- search.innerHTML+="<input type='submit' onclick='searchdb()' value='Go' />";
- }
- function searchdb(){
- codes.sort();
- sections.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- var searchthis=document.getElementById('lookfor');
- main.innerHTML="<b><u>Search Results</u></b><br /><br />";
- for(i=0;i<codes.length;i++){
- if(codes[i][0].match(new RegExp(searchthis.value, 'gi'))){
- main.innerHTML+="<b>-</b> <a href='/board/"+dbforum+"/action/view_topic/topic/"+codes[i][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+codes[i][0]+"</a> by <a href = '/action/view_profile/user/"+creators[codes[i][2]][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+creators[codes[i][2]][0]+"</a><br />";
- }
- }
- }
- function catchange(tothis){
- codes.sort();
- sections.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- main.innerHTML="";
- var num=1;
- for(q=0;q<codes.length;q++){
- if(codes[q][3]==tothis){
- main.innerHTML+=num+". <a href='/board/"+dbforum+"/action/view_topic/topic/"+codes[q][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+codes[q][0]+"</a> by <a href = '/action/view_profile/user/"+creators[codes[q][2]][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+creators[codes[q][2]][0]+"</a><br />";
- num=num+1;
- }
- }
- }
- function aboutdb(){
- codes.sort();
- sections.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- main.innerHTML="";
- main.innerHTML+="<b><u><font size='+1'>";
- main.innerHTML+="This code database is coded by <a href='http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/action/view_profile/user/cr0w'>Marc</a>. It is available for use by any forum, as long as it is not reposted without written permission from its creator.<br /><br />If you encounter any errors with this code, or find anyone who has reposted/ripped this code, please contact Marc using the link above. Thank you.";
- main.innerHTML+="</font></u></b>";
- }
- function showfulldb(){
- codes.sort();
- sections.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- main.innerHTML="";
- for(t=0;t<codes.length;t++){
- var t2=t+1;
- main.innerHTML+=t2+". <a href='/board/"+dbforum+"/action/view_topic/topic/"+codes[t][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+codes[t][0]+"</a> by <a href = '/action/view_profile/user/"+creators[codes[t][2]][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+creators[codes[t][2]][0]+"</a><br />";
- }
- }
- function showcreators(){
- creators.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- main.innerHTML="";
- for(t=0;t<creators.length;t++){
- main.innerHTML+="<a href = 'javascript: void();' onclick='showcodes("+t+")'>"+creators[t][0]+"</a><br />";
- }
- }
- function showcodes(cdr){
- codes.sort();
- var main=document.getElementById("dbmain");
- main.innerHTML="<b>Coder Profile: </b><a href = '/action/view_profile/user/"+creators[cdr][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+creators[cdr][0]+"</a><br /><br />";
- for(t=0;t<codes.length;t++){
- if(codes[t][2]==cdr){
- main.innerHTML+="<a href='/board/"+dbforum+"/action/view_topic/topic/"+codes[t][1]+"/'"+((dbwin==1) ? " target='_blank'" : '')+">"+codes[t][0]+"</a><br />";
- }
- }
- }
- if(dbshow==1 && location.href.match("topic/"+dbthread) || dbshow==0 && !location.href.match("topic/")){
- showdb();
- }
- //-->
- </script>
Editing options are explained within the code itself. Both parts are needed for the code to work. | |
rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
| Alex Bailey Senior Member
Posts: 503 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Uk Age: 33 Joined:
pmmsnaim | Re: Code Index v2 (9th Mar 08 at 6:36pm UTC) | | Looks alot more complicated to edit | |
ting-tong2k6@hotmail.com |
| Marc vChat Developer
     I <3 Rossy
Posts: 3,388 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Ontario, Canada Age: 32 Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmwww | Re: Code Index v2 (9th Mar 08 at 6:40pm UTC) | | Looks alot more complicated to edit
I tried to make it as easy as possible. | |
rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
| Cryhavoc_ Full Member
Just do it. Posts: 238 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: The wrong way. Age: 32 Joined:
pm | Re: Code Index v2 (9th Mar 08 at 9:28pm UTC) | | You could make it an admin editable. XD | |
| Marc vChat Developer
     I <3 Rossy
Posts: 3,388 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Ontario, Canada Age: 32 Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmwww | Re: Code Index v2 (9th Mar 08 at 11:44pm UTC) | | You could make it an admin editable. XD
Not to give anything away, but I'm trying to make it need less and less admin action; the next version won't even need header/footer access, so admins won't need to give mods Header/Footer access. | |
rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
| ajay Guest | Re: Code Index v2 (13th Mar 08 at 7:35pm UTC) | | Great Code Thanks! | |
| blanka Full Member
![[Avatar]](http://images.gametrailers.com/images/userimages/1431764-1229644884-mrblanka.png) Posts: 319 Status: Offline Gender: Male Joined:
pm | Re: Code Index v2 (19th Aug 08 at 12:28am UTC) | | Would it be possible to change the "code database" into an "image database"? Thanks, Marc. | |
| Marc vChat Developer
     I <3 Rossy
Posts: 3,388 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Ontario, Canada Age: 32 Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmwww | Re: Code Index v2 (19th Aug 08 at 1:25am UTC) | | Would it be possible to change the "code database" into an "image database"? Thanks, Marc.
I'll code up a v2.5 shortly. | |
rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
| blanka Full Member
![[Avatar]](http://images.gametrailers.com/images/userimages/1431764-1229644884-mrblanka.png) Posts: 319 Status: Offline Gender: Male Joined:
pm | Re: Code Index v2 (19th Aug 08 at 1:43am UTC) | | Would it be possible to change the "code database" into an "image database"? Thanks, Marc. I'll code up a v2.5 shortly. Okie Dokie. | |
| Alex Bailey Senior Member
Posts: 503 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Uk Age: 33 Joined:
pmmsnaim | Re: Code Index v2 (19th Aug 08 at 1:50am UTC) | | Would it be possible to change the "code database" into an "image database"? Thanks, Marc. I'll code up a v2.5 shortly.
*adds to marc's todo list*
OMG next year it will be released? | |
ting-tong2k6@hotmail.com |
| RuhRoe Full Member
Posts: 218 Status: Offline Gender: Male Age: 30 Joined:
pmxfire | Re: Code Index v2 (23rd Nov 08 at 7:14pm UTC) | | Don't mean to rush you but when are you gonna get this done? | |
| ajay Guest | Re: Code Index v2 (25th Nov 08 at 12:48am UTC) | | MARC GET IT DONE NOW!
Wow, some people are so impatient here. | |
| Dave New Member

Posts: 6 Status: Offline Location: Bolton, Lancashire, UK Age: 38 Joined:
pmwwwmsn | Re: Code Index v2 (15th Apr 09 at 9:07pm UTC) | | Im waiting for this too Not as an image or code index But as as index of something * secrets * | |
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