vForums Support :: Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: Code Submissions :: RegMod v1 - View Topic
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| dog199200 Guest | RegMod v1 (10th Dec 08 at 6:46pm UTC) | | This code is a little difficult to explain, and i'm not sure how. OK from the top I guess. This code adds several pages to the forum system, one before the registration page for rules, a standard page to display the rules, and a page where the forum frequently asked questions can be added. As well it adds a nav tree right above the This Forum is Powered By vForums providing a link to the rules page and the faqs page, as well it adds a "Contact Us" link that you can add your email for the members can contact the staff. Preview: Bottom Nav, FAQ Page, Rules Page, Pre-Register Page Errors: I'm not 100% that it is error free. It may still have problems with any code that used an onload function. If you come across any errors please let me know. Global Footer
 Code: - <div id="faq" style="display: none;">
- Put Your FAQs Here
- </div>
- <div id="rules" style="display: none;">
- PUT Your Rules Here
- </div>
- <script type='text/javascript'>
- /*RegMod v1 by Dwight
- Copyright 2008-09
- Do not rip, claim, or repost*/
- //Edit Below
- var emailress="CONTACT EMAIL HERE"; // This is the email address that you want to setup the 'Contact Us' link up for.
- //Edit Above
- document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src = 'http://h1.ripway.com/dog199200/regmodv1.js'></sc"+"ript>");
- </script>
Thanks: Thanks Go To Ross for helping work out a few things. As well thanks go to Wrighty so giving me a base for the page creatio:)
v2: OK I am currently working on a v2. Here is a few of the features that I know it will have:
- Admin Panel Editable
- Feature Selection (Meaning you can turn off unwanted features)
Now please if you have any suggestion let me know, I am trying to account for everything that I can. Edit: Host Updated, Please Recopy The javascript part of the code. | |
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