This code is a little difficult to explain, and i'm not sure how. OK from the top I guess. This code adds several pages to the forum system, one before the registration page for rules, a standard page to display the rules, and a page where the forum frequently asked questions can be added. As well it adds a nav tree right above the This Forum is Powered By vForums providing a link to the rules page and the faqs page, as well it adds a "Contact Us" link that you can add your email for the members can contact the staff.
Preview: Bottom Nav, FAQ Page, Rules Page, Pre-Register Page
Errors: I'm not 100% that it is error free. It may still have problems with any code that used an onload function. If you come across any errors please let me know.
Global FooterCode:
- <div id="faq" style="display: none;">
- Put Your FAQs Here
- </div>
- <div id="rules" style="display: none;">
- PUT Your Rules Here
- </div>
- <script type='text/javascript'>
- /*RegMod v1 by Dwight
- Copyright 2008-09
- Do not rip, claim, or repost*/
- //Edit Below
- var emailress="CONTACT EMAIL HERE"; // This is the email address that you want to setup the 'Contact Us' link up for.
- //Edit Above
- document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src = ''></sc"+"ript>");
- </script>
Thanks: Thanks Go To Ross for helping work out a few things. As well thanks go to Wrighty so giving me a base for the page creatio:)
v2: OK I am currently working on a v2. Here is a few of the features that I know it will have:
- Admin Panel Editable
- Feature Selection (Meaning you can turn off unwanted features)
Now please if you have any suggestion let me know, I am trying to account for everything that I can.
Edit: Host Updated, Please Recopy The javascript part of the code.