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Head Base Images (30th Jan 08 at 11:45pm UTC)
Just wondering someone could create a code for head base images that also gives a splitter. Ive seen the gradient one but just wondering if this is possible {Tongue Out} Im sure it is since Wrighty is here!


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Re: Head Base Images (31st Jan 08 at 12:04am UTC)
It's possible to do without any code. There are fields for the head/base images on the "Modify Images" page (right at the bottom). And on the "General Settings" page you can choose to split the categories and/or stickies {Smile}

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Re: Head Base Images (31st Jan 08 at 3:09am UTC)
It's possible to do without any code. There are fields for the head/base images on the "Modify Images" page (right at the bottom). And on the "General Settings" page you can choose to split the categories and/or stickies {Smile}

About that Ross, do you have to break up the Head/base images, or can you have it all together.

Instead of having:
Head Image
(Left Corner)Head Image
(Background)Head Image
(Right Corner)
Base Image
(Left Corner)Base Image
(Background)Base Image
(Right Corner)

Cant you have it:
Head Image

Base Image

and leave out the corners, so you can have it full image, instead of broken up into pieces. Im a No0b on those things im still in the basics (rendering, etc).

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