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Paragraph Quote (4th Jan 09 at 12:17am UTC)
Allow paragraphs to be individually quoted.
Ideally, this code would allow:

1. A button, only visible when the paragraph is hovered over, that would mark the paragraph as "quoted". Preferably toggleable, to quote/unquote paragraphs at will.

2. Insertion of properly formatted [quote] tags for each paragraph- a link directly to the paragraph would be nice, but if that's impossible, to the post would suffice- in the quick reply text area.

3. Ability to use the full reply, while retaining the [quote] tags.

This would be really helpful. Smiley



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Re: Paragraph Quote (4th Jan 09 at 2:23am UTC)
I looked over coding this, the problem is the same as with on PB and multi quoting. The problem with handling UBBC in the paragraph quoted. how to convert it, when on the posting page. And if its a quote of a quote, everything goes to hell XD


Now obsession rules my mind
This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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Re: Paragraph Quote (5th Jan 09 at 9:05pm UTC)
I'm utterly confused. Should I just take "It's not possible" from that? XD

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Re: Paragraph Quote (6th Jan 09 at 1:57pm UTC)
I looked over coding this, the problem is the same as with on PB and multi quoting. The problem with handling UBBC in the paragraph quoted. how to convert it, when on the posting page. And if its a quote of a quote, everything goes to hell XD

Is there a way to get around the 'quoting of a quote' issue? i reckon thi would be a fantastic addition should it be possible.
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