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issues with permissions in a folder (16th Feb 08 at 9:38pm UTC)
Ok so I have a folder called source on one of my websites, it's below the public html folder so it looks like so..


The problem is I can't create, delete, move, copy, and files or folders in the source folder.

I copied this folder from


I can't figure out why i don't have permission to do so.

The permissions of the folder are 755

I also can't change the permissions of it.


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Re: issues with permissions in a folder (16th Feb 08 at 9:47pm UTC)
Have you tried using your CPANEL file manager to do those actions? {Unsure}
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Re: issues with permissions in a folder (16th Feb 08 at 9:54pm UTC)
Have you tried using your CPANEL file manager to do those actions? {Unsure}

yes both cpanel and ftp, I haven't tried using root access yet as this is on my server, but I might have some success with that but don't have the proper software on this as it's my laptop.

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Re: issues with permissions in a folder (16th Feb 08 at 11:14pm UTC)
You probably don't have ownership of the /home/board folder, but the /home/board/public_html folder instead. 755 means read/execute, but no write...

What confuses me, though, is why you would've been able to create /home/board/source if you didn't have write permissions for /home/board...

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Re: issues with permissions in a folder (17th Feb 08 at 1:42am UTC)
Ya that was the problem the user i was loggged in as under didn't have ownership, but I moved the file using ssh a month back logged in as root and it changed the ownership, so I just loggged in as root again changed the ownership {Smile}

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