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pmwww | Useful Add-ons For Web Development (14th Oct 08 at 10:38pm UTC) Useful Add-ons For Web Development | | I have compiled a list of useful add-ons and tools to share with you all to make your life easier as a web developer:
Web Developer Toolbar - This is the swiss army knife and the all-in-one survival kit for web developers. FireBug - This is a brilliant addon. It allows you to edit, debug and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.[/url] IE Tab - IE Tab gives you the option to see what your web page looks like in Internet Explorer. Screengrab - Screengrab will give you the option to save an entire web page as an image. Colorzilla - Advanced eye dropper, color picker, page zoomer and a few other useful tools. Operaview - Operaview is an addon that allows you to see what your web page looks like in Opera. XML Developer Toolbar - This is a very handy XML Developer's Toolbar. Link Checker - Use this addon to check the validity of the links on any web page. FireFTP - This will provide you with a built in FTP client in FireFox. KGen Keyword Generator - Allows you to see what keywords are strong on visited web pages. RankQuest SEO - You are only a few clicks away from carrying out most of your day to day SEO. MeasureIt - Accurately measure any portion of a page that you select. Cookieswapper - Allows you to have multiple cookies on one website. Very helpful for testing user accounts or data stored via cookie. Firecookie - Allows you to view and manage your cookies (even edit) in your browser.
Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar - This is a very useful developer toolbar for all you Internet Explorer users out there.
------ I have copied this from my website. Please do not re-post this anywhere. ----- | |
Design and Programming Forums |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
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pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (30th Nov 08 at 4:26am UTC) | | Nice I have FF and I use FireBug, IE Tab, Operaview, and Colorzilla haha but I also use one that I find useful that you don't have...it''s called MeasureIt. It measures the pixels on the screen of a drag and drop box you make. It comes in handy when making a skin for making a head image or whatnot. | |
Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (30th Nov 08 at 10:38am UTC) | | Nice list. I'll sticky this as it will be useful | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (30th Nov 08 at 2:56pm UTC) | | Nice I have FF and I use FireBug, IE Tab, Operaview, and Colorzilla haha but I also use one that I find useful that you don't have...it''s called MeasureIt. It measures the pixels on the screen of a drag and drop box you make. It comes in handy when making a skin for making a head image or whatnot.
If you can provide a link to that I'll be happy to add it to the list. | |
rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
darkdays Guest | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (30th Nov 08 at 6:52pm UTC) | | Just a note - XML Developer Toolbar doesn't work for FFv3. | |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
![[Avatar]](http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h295/Ravenelle_2006/GlitchesSocom-1.png) Will code JavaScript for food. Posts: 67 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: USA Age: 34 Joined:
pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (30th Nov 08 at 7:10pm UTC) | | Nice I have FF and I use FireBug, IE Tab, Operaview, and Colorzilla haha but I also use one that I find useful that you don't have...it''s called MeasureIt. It measures the pixels on the screen of a drag and drop box you make. It comes in handy when making a skin for making a head image or whatnot. If you can provide a link to that I'll be happy to add it to the list.
Sure thing https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/539 | |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
![[Avatar]](http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h295/Ravenelle_2006/GlitchesSocom-1.png) Will code JavaScript for food. Posts: 67 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: USA Age: 34 Joined:
pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (18th May 09 at 11:44pm UTC) | | I now also find FireFTP Usefull along with some of the pop CSS JavaScript HTML and PHP references addons | |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
![[Avatar]](http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h295/Ravenelle_2006/GlitchesSocom-1.png) Will code JavaScript for food. Posts: 67 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: USA Age: 34 Joined:
pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (2nd Jun 09 at 3:46am UTC) | | Update I just found two more nice addons I now use CookieSwapper and firecookie Cookie swaper allows you to have 3 different profiles so you can log on to the same website using different usernames all at one time. firecookie is a addon to firebug which allows you to edit the cookie information and set prefs to a web site concerning cookies | |
ashkir Full Member
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pmskypemsnyahoo | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (19th Dec 09 at 8:06am UTC) | | Update I just found two more nice addons I now use CookieSwapper and firecookie Cookie swaper allows you to have 3 different profiles so you can log on to the same website using different usernames all at one time. firecookie is a addon to firebug which allows you to edit the cookie information and set prefs to a web site concerning cookies
Added. =] | |
syedshahul New Member

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pmvForum | Re: Useful Add-ons For Web Development (28th Apr 13 at 10:15am UTC) | | cool | |