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Recoding the future

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Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (11th Jun 08 at 10:21pm UTC)
For those of you wondering, I have created a firefox add-on for vFS. It's currently in an alpha stage and only a couple of people have copies. I ask that you don't go pestering them for copies of it.

Also, please note that I don't accept any liability for any damage or loss of data that occurs as a result of you using this add-on.

Current Bugs:
- Remove 'Wrighty' as main user => check not 'guest' {Smile}

Proposed Features:
- Total Users Online
- Total # new posts
- Newest Announcement

If you have any suggestions, or bugs, please post them below! {Smile}

An open beta of the add-on is coming soon! {Smile}

v0.02a - Username error resolved
v0.01a - Initial Alpha Release

To upgrade follow the following instructions
1) Uninstall the old Add-on (Tools => Add-ons)
2) Drag & Drop new Add-on
3) Restart FF
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (11th Jun 08 at 10:23pm UTC)
I'm lucky to have seen (and am testing) the add-on and it's a smexxi bit of kit, it'll be very handy indeed! {Grin}

Recoding the future

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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (11th Jun 08 at 10:25pm UTC)
I'm lucky to have seen (and am testing) the add-on and it's a smexxi bit of kit, it'll be very handy indeed! {Grin}

Didn't work though! {Lips Sealed}
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (11th Jun 08 at 10:55pm UTC)
Now it does {Grin}

Things to add/consider:

- open in new window/tab option
- make it cross forum compatible?
- remove duplication in ads and flash/ajax addons
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (12th Jun 08 at 9:14am UTC)
I have a suggestion its like Graham's but Make it so that you can add your VF forums in, like the http: // _ .virtualforums.co.uk is already there, the user that uses the add on just adds their forums link in, like http: //support.vforums.co.uk and then it will show the stats.
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (15th Jun 08 at 12:27am UTC)
Just wondering, what exactly is the point of this? Also, wouldn't this technically be breaking the TOS?
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (15th Jun 08 at 1:43am UTC)
Just wondering, what exactly is the point of this? Also, wouldn't this technically be breaking the TOS?

It would give members quick access to what's happening on their forum without having to physically go to the site every time.

This wouldn't be breaking the ToS in any way, as some information is available through XML files, and the rest is available through the API. Provided the information is being grabbed correctly, I see no reason why this shouldn't be allowed. {Wink}

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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (15th Jun 08 at 9:11am UTC)
Just wondering, what exactly is the point of this? Also, wouldn't this technically be breaking the TOS?

It would be against the TOS if Ross hadn't set up an XML file for me to use with all of the information in it! {Smile}
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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (15th Jun 08 at 11:24am UTC)
Just wondering, what exactly is the point of this? Also, wouldn't this technically be breaking the TOS?

It would give members quick access to what's happening on their forum without having to physically go to the site every time.

This wouldn't be breaking the ToS in any way, as some information is available through XML files, and the rest is available through the API. Provided the information is being grabbed correctly, I see no reason why this shouldn't be allowed. {Wink}
I knew about the API, but there is no functionality within Fx that I know of that would allow you to interface with that, and I was unaware of the XML file.

Just wondering, are these XML files available to anyone else?

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Re: Wrighty's vFS FF Add-On (15th Jun 08 at 11:41am UTC)
Just wondering, what exactly is the point of this? Also, wouldn't this technically be breaking the TOS?

It would give members quick access to what's happening on their forum without having to physically go to the site every time.

This wouldn't be breaking the ToS in any way, as some information is available through XML files, and the rest is available through the API. Provided the information is being grabbed correctly, I see no reason why this shouldn't be allowed. {Wink}
I knew about the API, but there is no functionality within Fx that I know of that would allow you to interface with that, and I was unaware of the XML file.

Just wondering, are these XML files available to anyone else?

There are 2 readily available ones - one listing recent PMs and one listing the 10 top posters.

The current one isn't! {Smile}

As for the API - that could be done by hosting a page on my site - then making an XML from it.
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