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Mage Designs (26th May 08 at 11:50pm UTC)

So I rebuilt my website, what do you think? what do you think I should add to it (if I know how to do it)? What am I missing?

I even added CSS, I finally did it myself for the first time. It wasn't that hard.


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Re: Mage Designs (27th May 08 at 8:39am UTC)
change the black font colour, it's hard to read.
I don't like times new roman. I suggest 'Verdana' instead! {Smile}

why are links black, and then white when you have visited them? Sort that out! {Tongue Out}

Make the banner the full width of the dark grey area, instead of ALMOST full width.


Just a few things! {Smile}
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Re: Mage Designs (27th May 08 at 7:20pm UTC)
its A dark scheme, I will lighten up the black a bit, I never messed with the font, so it is set to the browser settings.

and its the CSS part:
  1. <style type="text/css">
  2. A:link {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
  3. A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: white;}
  4. A:active {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
  5. A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: white;}
  6. </style>

and the banner I will get to, I was messing with <nobr></nobr> code and it moved the banner down, I wanted it to tightly hug the top of the table line.

Thank you Wrighty.


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Re: Mage Designs (27th May 08 at 7:35pm UTC)
I don't like the way the visited ones are white, and the unvisited ones are black... I reckon you have a bit of consistency. Maybe hover them to white, but all other times, they're black? {Smile}
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Re: Mage Designs (27th May 08 at 7:42pm UTC)
so what your saying, is all black, but hover white? About the banner how will I be able to make it touch the very top of the table? the <nobr> does not work, and I don't know any other things that will fix it.

and actually the visited color will not change in Fire Fox, nor will the table color. In IE, its black, but in FF it is white.

I changed the color to Gray instead of black.
Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 4:26pm UTC)
Does your table have a value for cellpadding or cellspacing?
If so, you should set those to zero.
Then set valign to top. {Smile}
This will make it so the banner touches the top of your table. {Smile}
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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 5:54pm UTC)
It sorta worked, there is a small space in between maby like an inch or 2.

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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 6:45pm UTC)
Oh dear! >.<

I was bored, so I went and 'recoded' your site. well, tidied it up anyway. Little did I know that you had about 4 body tags, and 10 unclosed tags... Basically, it was a mess. And do you know why it was a mess? You didn't use 'tabbing'.

If you view source on My Version you will see that it's all spaced out nicely, you can see what is where, and I could easily see where there wasn't a closed tag. As a <td> would line up with a </td> {Smile}

I know mine's not lined up nicely on the page like yours is, but that's because you cheated and had some BAD code on yours.

Your page gets 50 errors in the XHTML test. Mine gets 5
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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:04pm UTC)
is that a bad thing? and what is tabbing?

and what do you mean unclosed tags? all tags are closed. I have < and > on every single tag.

All sites have errors, there is no site that has no errors, VF, PB, INV, is all top forum providers that have errors. Google even has errors {Tongue Out}
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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:20pm UTC)
is that a bad thing? and what is tabbing?

and what do you mean unclosed tags? all tags are closed. I have < and > on every single tag.

Tabbing is when you have some lines indented, it makes it a bit easier to refer to particular tables etc. When he talks about "closed" tage, it doesn't mean having a "<" or a ">", he means that there are some that lack a "</>" attribute, adding in whatever value.

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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:21pm UTC)
no no ... you open a font tag by: <font> and you don't close it with </font>

So you have to make sure you do that for all of the tags.

And I explained tabbing... Read my post before.
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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:43pm UTC)
{Tongue Out} Oh I see yeah I forgot to add that, I did not think I would have to as it displays the way I want it, but Wrighty on your version it does not have the table centered in the page and that is how I want it to look like.

But see I do not understand tabbing, and why its a 'big deal' I can read my work just fine, and don't need to tab. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:47pm UTC)
you obviously can't, if you had abour 20 unclosed tags, and 4 body tags! {Tongue Out}

it is centered for me! meh. I'll sort that later! {Smile}
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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:52pm UTC)
its not centered in both IE nor FF, so I meant was I can read my work better then yours, your is all spread out, and its teh confusingness.

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Re: Mage Designs (28th May 08 at 10:55pm UTC)
ok, can you see the TD tags that you haven't closed, or the Body tags taht you have opened? {Unsure}
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