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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (21st Jan 08 at 10:08pm UTC)
Since I am on my computer now, this is what it shows.

Main Page:
This page was generated with 79 database queries and 0 cache files in 1.6894 seconds.
Peak Memory Usage: 907Kb :: Current Memory Usage: 745Kb

This Page:
this page was generated with 37 database queries and 16 cache files in 0.436 seconds.
Peak Memory Usage: 1073Kb :: Current Memory Usage: 773Kb



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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (21st Jan 08 at 10:29pm UTC)
The main page has now been optimised and is using (on average) 35-40 less queries. I've not yet uploaded those changes to this server though.

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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (22nd Jan 08 at 12:52am UTC)
Well, can't you store a copy of the settings? That would surely save (a bit) of time. (Well, depending how it's set up.) Also, maybe only check for PM updates ever 5 seconds or something? A user doesn't need to know right away. There's a few different techniques that can be done. Those are just a few suggestions.


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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (22nd Jan 08 at 9:46am UTC)
Well, can't you store a copy of the settings? That would surely save (a bit) of time. (Well, depending how it's set up.) Also, maybe only check for PM updates ever 5 seconds or something? A user doesn't need to know right away. There's a few different techniques that can be done. Those are just a few suggestions.

I've removed 2 queries from the main setup. The ban list is now only updated once every 15 minutes and the users online is only updated when the info center displays.

Saving the settings info in a cache file would use more memory that it'd save since it is updated so often. However as I type this I've thought of another way to cut 1 more query off of the main page and another 2 off of the info center.

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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (22nd Jan 08 at 8:54pm UTC)
Well, can't you store a copy of the settings? That would surely save (a bit) of time. (Well, depending how it's set up.) Also, maybe only check for PM updates ever 5 seconds or something? A user doesn't need to know right away. There's a few different techniques that can be done. Those are just a few suggestions.

I've removed 2 queries from the main setup. The ban list is now only updated once every 15 minutes and the users online is only updated when the info center displays.

Saving the settings info in a cache file would use more memory that it'd save since it is updated so often. However as I type this I've thought of another way to cut 1 more query off of the main page and another 2 off of the info center.

See? I can be helpful. {Grin} {Tongue Out} As I said, I don't know the layout of your system, so I can't really give suggestions.


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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (23rd Jan 08 at 11:02pm UTC)
This forum is now running on the latest version of the source code. All areas that I was aware of using a large number of resources have now been fixed. I will leave this version just on here for a couple of days to ensure the caching of birthdays and events are working and so long as no other bugs are found all forums should be upgraded on friday {Smile}

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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (26th Jan 08 at 6:26pm UTC)
Ross, seriously, is there anything you can't do? {Tongue Out}

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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (26th Jan 08 at 6:38pm UTC)
Ross, seriously, is there anything you can't do? {Tongue Out}

Fly? {Tongue Out}

*Sees Ross float past bedroom window*

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (26th Jan 08 at 6:43pm UTC)
Ross has been in your room {Shocked} . Didn't know he was that sort of person {Cheesy}

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Re: Support Forum Now Running v1.5 (26th Jan 08 at 6:46pm UTC)
Ross has been in your room {Shocked} . Didn't know he was that sort of person {Cheesy}

Shh. {Embarassed} {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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