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Re: Smaller URLs! (7th Mar 10 at 8:23pm UTC)
{Unsure} mmmm

For some reason my saved password in FF3 only worked here , on all other forums it didn't i had to fill them out all over again {Shocked}

If the URL for these forums in question was forum.virtualforums.co.uk then that would be the reason. As the follow up to our new domains, any forums which had not already changed the setting have had it changed for them (using vforums.co.uk as the default).

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Re: Smaller URLs! (8th Mar 10 at 8:31am UTC)
I'm liking this new weight loss program.

Maybe you should try it for yourself, Ross. {Tongue Out}

Re: Smaller URLs! (8th Mar 10 at 8:35pm UTC)
Good work guys I think this is a great idea. {Smile}
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Re: Smaller URLs! (8th Mar 10 at 10:37pm UTC)
{Unsure} mmmm

For some reason my saved password in FF3 only worked here , on all other forums it didn't i had to fill them out all over again {Shocked}

If the URL for these forums in question was forum.virtualforums.co.uk then that would be the reason. As the follow up to our new domains, any forums which had not already changed the setting have had it changed for them (using vforums.co.uk as the default).

Ah ok yeah i think they were .

I understand now thanks Ross.

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