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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:47am by ashkir
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (13th Apr 09 at 7:21pm UTC)
lmao why should it. :P

 lol, but why doesn't the smiley show up?

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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (14th Apr 09 at 9:25am UTC)
lmao why should it. :P

 Never said it should - just said that it doesn't! {Wink}  
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (14th Apr 09 at 3:20pm UTC)
Ran into a small issue today, I use FF and it tells you when you misspell something, so you can do the standard right click get the right spelling. That does not however work with the new system, it brings up the Vforums editor.


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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (14th Apr 09 at 3:43pm UTC)
Ran into a small issue today, I use FF and it tells you when you misspell something, so you can do the standard right click get the right spelling. That does not however work with the new system, it brings up the Vforums editor.

Unfortunately on that we have to make the decision of which context menu (the thing which appears when you right click) is more important. At the moment, the editors one appears as it has the very useful links to insert links or images. However I am considering removing it to leave just the browsers built in one; the main reason for this would be Firefox's lack of support for copy/paste. At the moment you can access your browsers context menu by holding down the "Ctrl" key while right clicking {Smile}

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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (14th Apr 09 at 4:10pm UTC)
TO be honest could be a workflow issue as I was typing other posts I just made it a habit to click the check spelling box.  SO it's a habit sort of issue. I am not opposed to using it the way it is if there are better trade offs.
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (14th Apr 09 at 10:08pm UTC)
I think the way it is now is fine; perhaps if people are so opposed to the VF context menu, switch it around so that CTRL + click brings up the VF one? {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (15th Apr 09 at 12:07am UTC)
I was wondering when you'd release a new feature. {Tongue Out} Not a bad choice.

Anyways, my only comments are that trying to do anything using the UBBC images results in it being ridiculously slow in doing that process.

It also breaks the Firefox built in spell checker. {Sad} You also broke my right click if I click on text. RAWR.

I've now enabled support for built-in spell checkers. I believe you can bring up the standard context menu by holding down the "Ctrl" key while right clicking {Smile}

awesome, i was just about to post about it that, guess i was beaten to it


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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (15th Apr 09 at 12:12am UTC)
I think the way it is now is fine; perhaps if people are so opposed to the VF context menu, switch it around so that CTRL + click brings up the VF one? {Smile}

 Unless a suitable fix for copy/paste in firefox is found, the editors menu is really not that useful.

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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (6th May 09 at 1:28pm UTC)
When will this smexy system be rolled out?


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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (6th May 09 at 5:23pm UTC)
When will this smexy system be rolled out?

This is going to be rolled out as part of a set of new features. We have no set date of when this will happen to all forums but a handful will be upgraded early to test how well it integrates. This will take place once the rest of the new features and the remaining bugs are ready, hopefully not too far away now. I'd still like to hear from any other forum owners willing to give the new system a try. The more testers, the quicker we will be able to roll it out to all forums {Smile}

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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (6th May 09 at 5:50pm UTC)
When will this smexy system be rolled out?

This is going to be rolled out as part of a set of new features. We have no set date of when this will happen to all forums but a handful will be upgraded early to test how well it integrates. This will take place once the rest of the new features and the remaining bugs are ready, hopefully not too far away now. I'd still like to hear from any other forum owners willing to give the new system a try. The more testers, the quicker we will be able to roll it out to all forums {Smile}

I will gladly test it out! Should I PM you? or just post it here? Either way, it's in my Signature. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (6th May 09 at 6:41pm UTC)
I think he'd make the changes to support forum, so the support forum is the test forum =].
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (6th May 09 at 7:52pm UTC)
" I'd still like to hear from any other forum owners willing to give the new system a try"

{Tongue Out}

If I am reading that right...
Jedi Slayer
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Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (7th May 09 at 5:42am UTC)
If you still need some tester I am happy to volunteer my Forum.  We are only about 2 months old but narrowing in on 3,000 posts.  (as long as it works with my dice roller.)
Re: Announcing New Posting System - A Complete R.. (7th May 09 at 6:21am UTC)
When will this smexy system be rolled out?

This is going to be rolled out as part of a set of new features. We have no set date of when this will happen to all forums but a handful will be upgraded early to test how well it integrates. This will take place once the rest of the new features and the remaining bugs are ready, hopefully not too far away now. I'd still like to hear from any other forum owners willing to give the new system a try. The more testers, the quicker we will be able to roll it out to all forums {Smile}

I will gladly test it out! Should I PM you? or just post it here? Either way, it's in my Signature. {Tongue Out}
Darkmage@ i think he meant testing it here on the support forum

Ross@ If you are offering having it going up on user forums, i'd gladly offer up one of my forums to help out
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