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Why? (29th Jun 08 at 10:22am UTC)
Why isn't vforums currently number one?

It really deserves to be from my experience with my own vforum at the moment which is under development. It has the most features, is the easiest to use and the most user friendly that I haev encountered in my life.

Wrighty knows that I always said I was a fan of another forum service provider, but, I was sick of their staff treating members unfairly and tried vforums (courtesy of Wrighty) and to my delight have sworn never to go back to the shocking company that just squeezed their members for all they were worth.

As this is my first post in this new community, hopefulyl it will not be my last as I will likely come here regularly for various things.


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Re: Why? (29th Jun 08 at 10:38am UTC)
Welcome to vForums, we'll be sure to accompany your needs. {Smile}

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Re: Why? (29th Jun 08 at 11:34pm UTC)
Good to hear you're already impressed with the service! There's more to come too {Smile}
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