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A question? (14th Dec 10 at 11:14pm UTC)
edit: Does vForums support http://thehostingtool.com ? if so then that would be great. I don't want to have to use another forum software for this, if I don't need to.

Ok, I want to make my own Web Host, and want to use vForums as a support forum (Like I do for idirectory support.idirectory.us) but one thing though, it needs to be post to host. Does vForums support Post to host web hosts like http://colorhost.co ? I want to use them as my sponsor for my hosting, but they said I needed a forum that support's post to host. Like MyBB and all those other message boards. Would vForums be able to do that? I'm not quite sure, what else to put.


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Re: A question? (15th Dec 10 at 12:06am UTC)
{Confused} I'm not sure I follow what exactly thehostingtool.com does? I couldn't see anything on there about forum integration?

Re: A question? (15th Dec 10 at 12:07am UTC)
Yes {Unsure} Use the vF api, and merge the two systems. You'd have to do some rewriting but It would work.

Ross@ The software is a hosting tool, designed to use for automated hosting account creation. He can edit the source of it as HostingTool is open source, to merge it into the vF registration api along side his own database. It would require a bit of coding but i'm 100% sure it can be done.
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