3flash New Member

![[Avatar]](http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp159/freeware3/avatars/3flashbs5.gif) Never Get To Old To Learn! Posts: 3 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: Tunica Ms Age: 78 Joined: 25th Feb 2009
pmwww | Code Question? (Wed 25th Feb 2009 at 4:44pm) Move Welcome Banner below Google Ad? | | I don't know if this would be against the Rules of Vforum or not. Proboards allows it !
I would like to be able to get code to Move the Welcome banner below the Google Ad. Could someone answer that question for me. I have searched all the code on here and I have not found anything to tell me if it is or is not against the Rules of Vforum?
Thanks Flash | |
Ross Administrator
![[Avatar]](http://uploads.virtualforums.co.uk/forums/pokemon/vforums-qr1.png) Posts: 3,709 Status: Offline Gender: Male Age: 9 1⁄4 Joined: 13th Jun 2006
Additional Groups: Support Team
pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Code Question? (Wed 25th Feb 2009 at 6:12pm) | | Hi. To do that you just need to go to your admin panel, click on "Ad Settings / Manage Ad-Free" (am not 100% sure on which it displays at the moment) and set the ad position to be "Above Welcome Table". vForums has many features like that built in which require a code when using other providers - Ross | |
Jessia Guest | Moving to UK? (Fri 06th Mar 2009 at 3:31pm) | | REMOVED | |