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API: Skin Check (19th Jan 10 at 2:12am UTC)
I can't personally use this on my own project, but there is several projects i've been helping with that this would come in great use. Being able to run a forum skin check using the API would work great when used to wrap around the CSS call for a website. It would provide an way easier way to allow the user of the API to make the website match the forums skin.

With that said that means that there should be some sort of way to use the API to chose the skin of the forum on the website.


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Re: API: Skin Check (19th Mar 10 at 9:23pm UTC)
{Confused} I'm not sure I follow. Do you want to retrieve information on the users current forum skin or set their forum skin?

Re: API: Skin Check (20th Mar 10 at 7:34am UTC)
Ok it can do both, being able to change the skin on the forum, by using the api, and a dropdown box, which is setup by using the skins ID.

Also have it so the api can retrieve the skin id from the api (I think it actually might be able to after thinking about it), and if the skins ID matches a select skin id, a person can setup check in their CSS and have the main site change design based on what the skin on the forum is. I'm not sure if a lot of people would do that. I know I dont have a forum setup that i can sue it on, but i do plan on making a public chat forum soon, with an api portal, which would it would work great with.
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Re: API: Skin Check (30th Mar 10 at 11:21pm UTC)
This is needed

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Re: API: Skin Check (31st Mar 10 at 12:32am UTC)
I like it. {Smile} I could make multiple skins on my forum, and if someone wants a different skin than the default they can choose it, and it'd change on the site as well. Instead of having the site have only the default skin, it could change with the forum when the skin changes on the forum. {Grin} Also easier for when creating a new theme for the forum, the site would change automatically to the new theme.
Re: API: Skin Check (31st Mar 10 at 1:34am UTC)
{Tongue Out} I pointed out to you how this could be done {Tongue Out} I wasn't thinking outside the box when I had this thread. Though its not possible to have the forum skin auto be done on the site. But you could run a skin check in php, and if the skin they have on the forum matches that of an id assigned to a select css, then that css can be called to match that theme.

Its really simple really. As for a skin changer on the site, i'm sure ross would have to setup something within the api, but It might be possible as it to setup a drop down menu like the one of the forum, though you'd have to manually add in each skin after making a new one.
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Re: API: Skin Check (31st Mar 10 at 4:09am UTC)
I was expanding on the idea anyways. {Tongue Out}
Re: API: Skin Check (31st Mar 10 at 6:03pm UTC)
The only way I could see this being of help is being able to call css fragments from the forum using the api
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