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Group Management Addon (Group Requesting) (24th Oct 09 at 4:45am UTC)
In regards to the new Group Management System i feel this request is not only practical but reasonable. From what I have read about the Leader (without testing), the leader can add and remove members from the group that that person is in charge of so why not make it so users can request to be in a group?I know some would say this is best done in code cause not everyone would use the feature, which may be true, but i'm being rational, if a person can be added and removed from the group via the leader, why can't they request to be in the group.

The way i can think of it being easily done is have the system check to see if the group is a leader and if he is then it will add a link to his profile page saying something like "Join Group", then the leader will be sent a PM saying the "(members name) has requested to join your group. (Accept) - (Deny) and if denied nothing could be done or a Pm could be sent to the person who has been denied telling them they have been denied of their request. And if accepted they get added to the group. Though i'm not sure how this is currently setup, I haven't been put in the situation to use the system just yet so this request is based on what in know.


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Re: Group Management Addon (Group Requesting) (24th Oct 09 at 8:26am UTC)
Hi Dwight,

This was considered at the time but the general consensus was that it would be best suited to using the PM system. That way, it gives them more of an opportunity to discuss with one another why they wish to be in that group.

- Ross

Re: Group Management Addon (Group Requesting) (24th Oct 09 at 10:08am UTC)
Ok I understand, that makes sense.
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