Stinky666 New Member

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pmwwwmsn | Bug? (6th Feb 08 at 6:05pm UTC) | | This surely is a bug or something. In the topic I made in the Suggestions board, Marc replied, and then I replied, but when I clicked onto the Main Page, the last poster says Marc, still. But when I go into the board again, it shows me as the last poster.. lol
Edit: Ok, now it's showing fine. But I will leave this here and won't delete it.
| | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Bug? (6th Feb 08 at 7:04pm UTC) | | Your computer had most probably saved a copy of the main page. So when you viewed it again it used that rather than grabbing the latest info from the server. I'm yet to find why it does it for some and not for others though as the headers are set for your computer to not cache it | |
Stinky666 New Member

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pmwwwmsn | Re: Bug? (6th Feb 08 at 7:29pm UTC) | | Weird how it only did it for that one topic though
Edit: lmao ok, it's also done it for this topic | | |
Michael Moderator
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pmvForum | Re: Bug? (6th Feb 08 at 8:12pm UTC) | | Could be an opera error, as lots of people on my forum complain of cache related problems that are 'solved' by hard refreshing. | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Bug? (6th Feb 08 at 8:19pm UTC) | | Before tonights update I'll see if there's any other headers that can be sent to discourage pages from being cached. I'll also look at any ones specific to Opera | |