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Something odd.... ?? (12th Jun 09 at 8:54pm UTC)

I dunno what happened or what I did, but I logged onto my forum, and then went into a board, came out saw in the info center that my name was white (Normal Member color) I did not have Admin button at all. I had all buttons besides the Admin button. So I typed in the extension action/admin at the end of the url, and it said I did not have "Permission to view this area" I then went back to the home page and everything was back and normal, My Name was back in Red, and the Admin button had shown.

Though Dwight's name stayed red and Canada's name stayed Green.

What happened?
Jedi Slayer
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Re: Something odd.... ?? (12th Jun 09 at 9:58pm UTC)
Odd that you mention that because Wednesday I had a similar experience where all my staff name colors (Green) changed to normal user colors (red) unless you clicked on their profile and it was normal. Yet if you went back to the main page it was red again.

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Re: Something odd.... ?? (12th Jun 09 at 10:42pm UTC)
This would have been a caching error I think! {Smile}
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Re: Something odd.... ?? (13th Jun 09 at 3:25am UTC)
See the problem is, Ive never seen that problem before. And FireFox automatically clears out the cache on exit. {Tongue Out}
Re: Something odd.... ?? (13th Jun 09 at 6:52am UTC)
i've seen it a lot, it normally fixed as soon as i refresh the page


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Re: Something odd.... ?? (18th Jun 09 at 10:15pm UTC)
I've never come across this myself. And without knowing how to duplicate it or what is causing it there'd be very little I could do about it.

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Re: Something odd.... ?? (19th Jun 09 at 1:12am UTC)
That was the first time and ONLY time I have seen that. But I will try to keep an eye on it.
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