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The Final Anime Hideout (7th Jan 10 at 1:17am UTC)
Forum: The Final Anime Hideout
Url: http://tfah.vforums.us/

Short Description:
The final hideout for all anime fans, an escape from ridicule and reality, where all anime is welcome and discussed!!
(Better description needs to be made)

The categories and boards are still being worked on, I currently have 2 skins I made myself. I would like feedback about my "menu" at the top right of the page and anything else.

Edit: Now there are 3 skins worked on by the Design Team of my forum, there has been many changes on my forum so far including a "shop" and a Groups section on the top info bar. I do not have many items in the shop yet but if you have any suggestions just let me know!!

vF forums:
Perfect World RP
BLEACH Universe - Under Construction / Testing Phase
Xen Qarna RP - Stage I
Vyren Entar Battle Network RP - Under Construction / Maintenance Mode Enabled
the Final Anime Hideout
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