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Infinity codes (17th Jun 08 at 2:07am UTC)

Its still in the making but, I do have some boards up, a new skin, and it looks good.

please rate the skin, the boards are still not done, nor the posts.

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Re: Infinity codes (18th Jun 08 at 1:55am UTC)
Well I can rate this.


First off it would help to turn the link color a little lighter so it's easier to see.

The Banner text needs to be a little more clear. Very hard to read.

I would make the menu buttons a roll over to a blueish text. Would make it pretty cool.

More fancier on and off icons would be great. They are just one color and thats plain.

The background doesn't look good on repeat. Might wanna make it a bit bigger.


Same here about the repeated background. Might wanna change it.

I love the on and off icons. Fits the theme.

You might wanna change the catagory background image because it looks like it's messing up the stuff. Doesn't go with the menu buttons either.

The banner is nice and clear. Goes very good with the background.

From all this i can say i give the Default skin a 6/10 and the steel one a 8/10. I am not going to rate the content because there is none really {Tongue Out}
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Re: Infinity codes (18th Jun 08 at 2:32am UTC)
Thank you Mezorro, the link color for Default is supposed to match the color of the banner and wallpaper, The banner, there is nothing I can do, I just quickly made it and forgot to save the format for it. but I asked 10 different people and they could read it just fine. Thats one thing I do not know how to do is do rollover. The on/off is supposed to be plain. and the forum is formatted for 1024x768, if I made if for a bigger res, then it would not look good in 1024x768.

The steel skin is an old skin V1 skin, and the menu buttons are going to be changed anyways.

And I do not think I am gonna finish it, I have way to much forums I think 6 or 7.
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