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VForums Advertising - Opened back up! -Please Lock (11th May 08 at 5:54am UTC)
You can Advertise VForums, Proboards and Invision Forums

I need opinions about the new look (skin).

Also boards, I know there are some missing but I can't remember them for the life of me.

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Re: VForums Advertising - Opened back up! (14th May 08 at 5:50am UTC)
Please {Cry}
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Re: VForums Advertising - Opened back up! (14th May 08 at 6:07pm UTC)
Well, it's...green {Tongue Out}

I always find that with a forum, you think of a colour and then use various shades of that colour - if you did that with this forum then i really think it'd improve it. As it stands, it's just the same gradient all the way through and it does become a bit samey. I'd love to see something more done with the banner - the text is alright but throw some brushes there, or some shapes - have fun and see what you can come up with! {Smile} The on/off icons are alright (though the "stealing" pop-up is immensely annoying, but that's your call) but they could do with a bit of variety - it seems like it's just a shrinked version of the bg image.

As for the boards, well it's an advertising forum so it'll only have a certain type of boards - when it increases in size you could maybe some sub boards for the different forum categories (sports, RPs, design etc) to make it a bit more organised.

A couple of last suggestions - you've got a copyright twice at the bottom of the forum (one text and one image) - i'd lose the image one as it looks very garish in comparison with the skin, and people don't need telling twice {Wink} Also the affiliate banner could match the colour scheme of the rest of the forum {Wink}

Apart from that, get the name out and about and get the affiliates in and it could become the top ad forum on the service! Good luck with it {Smile}
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Re: VForums Advertising - Opened back up! (14th May 08 at 6:45pm UTC)
Thanks for the Rate Graham. Its supposed to be a simple skin, so thats why the banner is the way it is. The stealing part, its for a Big reason, back on PB 5 years ago I started Final Fantasy Nation, Some one stole my banner, wallpaper., etc, and made a site called finalfantasynation.com, now I had came a crossed it from an advertise on an affiliates forum, I clicked it, and I had found my banner and wallpaper, the put text over the (C) Darkmage text as I did not have Mage Designs then, so then I contacted godaddy.com and their site got deleted. as the guy or girl was using the same information as I had. back to VFAD.

The 2 copyrights are on purpose. The affiliate banner represents what colors I will be doing next {Grin} . and thanks again.
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