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Hi my name spiritheartlady (14th May 08 at 6:21pm UTC)
Hi my name spiritheartlady, I live in Marion County, FL,
My 2 cats 1 in Florida and 1 in New Jersey,
I live with my mom in an townhouse that we own.
I was born with a seizure disorder called Stergweber Sydrom,
so I am disabled and needs medications even
a vagus nerve pacemaker to keep me alive to control
my seizures and try to stop them and collect Social Security.
My hobbies and interests are my cats,
animal activist and groups, environmentalist and
groups, movies, eating out, traveling inside and
outside the USA, my nephews and family,
writing and reading poetry I have some copyrighted
I will get the rest copyrighted and
I will get my poetry published some day.


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Re: Hi my name spiritheartlady (14th May 08 at 7:10pm UTC)
Welcome, I removed the rest of your post due to it containing adverts for another forum provider.
Re: Hi my name spiritheartlady (14th May 08 at 7:26pm UTC)
Hi spiritheartlady and welcome to Vforums! {Smile}
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Re: Hi my name spiritheartlady (14th May 08 at 8:05pm UTC)
Welcome to vForums! Any problems feel free to ask {Smile}
Pixel Drixel (gfxman)
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Re: Hi my name spiritheartlady (14th May 08 at 9:21pm UTC)
Hello. Welcome to Vforums. Contact me if you need any help.


My Deviant Art: http://tinyurl.com/49lpzr
Alex Bailey
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Re: Hi my name spiritheartlady (15th May 08 at 5:52pm UTC)
Take it this is poetryladycat? Anyway welcome

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