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This topic was locked 31st Oct 08 at 7:25pm by slip
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Halp Someone (7th Aug 08 at 8:56am UTC)

Interesting to see if someone to code that to suit vForums layout. Most of it is just slicing etc, rules don't say that I can't have help installing this damn skin properly. I tried for hours on end to get it to work, however, problems occured cause I'm still not used to vF style of the layout system.

As I said, most of it is just slicing etc, I tried putting the background in as selected 'Center' as the option, but it's not center. Stuff like that keeps happening >.<

The forum is 526 across, I think that's it - it's close to it if it's not lol.

But yea, it's not really coding - but it's something to help with it. There is no rule saying that I can't request this kind of help {Tongue Out}

Of course, totally up to the coder - it's not a remarkable skin so you can add a little something to it (like your watermark type thing) to say that you coded it if you so desire.

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