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vForums Support :: Artwork & Design :: Graphics Discussion & Showoff :: Graphics Requests :: READ: Requesting Graphics - View Topic
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READ: Requesting Graphics (2nd Apr 08 at 7:32pm UTC)
Please copy the following form into a thread when making a request. Fill in the necessary details. It will really help us.

  1. [b]Forum URL:[/b]
  2. [b]Image Type:[/b]
  3. [b]Dimensions (Size in Pixels):[/b]
  4. [b]Colours (preferably in hex codes):[/b]
  5. [b]Fonts (provide direct links if any):[/b]
  6. [b]Text (and sub-text):[/b]
  7. [b]Stock Image(s) to be used (provide direct links):[/b]
  8. [b]Other details:[/b]


Forum URL = This is the URL to your forum. Please remember that Graphics-related forums should be able to make their own Graphics. As a thumbrule, NO DESIGN FORUM will be allowed to request for graphics in here.

Image Type = This is the kind of image you want. Could be a smiley, or a folder icon, or a signature, or a banner, or an avatar...

Dimensions = Size of the image in pixels. For example, 400x100 or 700x250.

Colours = Saying "BLUE" or "RED" is insufficient because there are hundreds of varieties of both colours. Therefore you need to provide us with exact Hex Codes for the shades you want. A Hex Code is a six alphabet code denoting a colour. For example, 000000 denotes the colour black. You may find colour hex codes for the colours you want at the following places:

You can find more places by googling for html hex codes.

Fonts = Provide links to fonts that you want. Find fonts at the following places:

Text = If there's text on your request, kindly tell us what that is. Mention sub-text if needed.

Stock Images = These are images that are free for everybody to use. You can find a list of Stock Image sites over Here (Click). Googling will always get you more sites.

Other Details = Any other details you'd like to explain.


Please remember to use the form at the top of this thread for requesting graphics. Not doing so multiple times will get your threads locked.

Posts: 760
Status: Offline
Gender: Male
Location: India

Additional Groups:
Design Team

Reputation: 31%  

Re: READ: Requesting Graphics (3rd May 08 at 7:51pm UTC)
Not too many people are following the request template for requesting graphics. I may have to start locking threads. {Unsure}
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