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Re: Green orb (5th Mar 08 at 4:57am UTC)
Very awsome.

The crack makes it better, it ads a better affect.

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Re: Green orb (5th Mar 08 at 1:05pm UTC)
With all due respect, blanka, I find it hard to believe you didn't follow a tutorial for that.


He happens to have the exact same orb style there. He couldn't have added a hue to your orb, because the glow is far too exact for that to be possible.


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Re: Green orb (5th Mar 08 at 11:49pm UTC)
With all due respect, blanka, I find it hard to believe you didn't follow a tutorial for that.


He happens to have the exact same orb style there. He couldn't have added a hue to your orb, because the glow is far too exact for that to be possible.

Trust me, i didn't follow a tut. I seriously send you the PSD if you dont believe me.

It's not hard at all to make an orb without a tut(basically all orbs are similar) and the orb i did was really simple. It also looks like he got a little inspiration from me which might make it look like mine.

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Re: Green orb (6th Mar 08 at 1:19am UTC)
With all due respect, blanka, I find it hard to believe you didn't follow a tutorial for that.


He happens to have the exact same orb style there. He couldn't have added a hue to your orb, because the glow is far too exact for that to be possible.

Trust me, i didn't follow a tut. I seriously send you the PSD if you dont believe me.

It's not hard at all to make an orb without a tut(basically all orbs are similar) and the orb i did was really simple. It also looks like he got a little inspiration from me which might make it look like mine.

PSD doesn't mean anything.. obviously you'll have a PSD if you have used a tutorial. I'm just remarking on how both those orbs are incredibly similar, down to not only the crack position but even the textures used.


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Re: Green orb (6th Mar 08 at 1:29am UTC)
Like I said on wRc or where ever it was. It looks good and all, but the crack just doesn't seem to be that 3d.

I don't see too much of a resemblance in the 2 orbs though =/ Maybe an idea rip kinda thing, but if you are hinting at a rip it's not one.


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Re: Green orb (7th Mar 08 at 2:09am UTC)
I doubt it, trick. Look at it carefully - measure the textures. Nobody would idea-rip something so closely related. {Wink}


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Re: Green orb (9th Mar 08 at 2:54am UTC)
With all due respect, blanka, I find it hard to believe you didn't follow a tutorial for that.


He happens to have the exact same orb style there. He couldn't have added a hue to your orb, because the glow is far too exact for that to be possible.

Trust me, i didn't follow a tut. I seriously send you the PSD if you dont believe me.

It's not hard at all to make an orb without a tut(basically all orbs are similar) and the orb i did was really simple. It also looks like he got a little inspiration from me which might make it look like mine.

PSD doesn't mean anything.. obviously you'll have a PSD if you have used a tutorial. I'm just remarking on how both those orbs are incredibly similar, down to not only the crack position but even the textures used.

The textures look different for me . :\ The only thing that looks the same are the white gloss's, which is very common style in orbs.

I guess the best to do is to ask ookie1 if he did use a tut because i didn't.
[.tR] ookie1
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Re: Green orb (20th Mar 08 at 8:21am UTC)
Just to clear this up I got some inspiration from Blanka, 'coz the best way to learn is to follow other people's work {Tongue Out} . I didn't follow a tut nor did Blanka.


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Re: Green orb (27th Mar 08 at 11:01pm UTC)
Could you make a tutorial for this Blanka?
Great job, but the crack just dosent look all that 3D...
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Re: Green orb (27th Mar 08 at 11:16pm UTC)
Could you make a tutorial for this Blanka?
Great job, but the crack just dosent look all that 3D...

Don't worry, i will make a tut within the next few weeks (when I'm not busy). I'll most likely have an optional PSD to come with it. {Smile}

Thanks ookie1 for clearing that up.
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