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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:50am by ashkir
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Rank Images (9th Jul 08 at 4:31am UTC)






Re: Rank Images (10th Jul 08 at 6:35am UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 10th Jul 08 at 6:31am
umm, i hope you don't m,ind some suggestions:

Ok for stuff like this its not good making them big, people would rather have a small compact Mini-profile so the rank images are way to big, For something like that try using a clearly visible font no bigger then size 12 and try not to make the images bigger the 60 pixels wide and 20 pixels tall, the width can very depending on the mini-profile setup you are using, but try to keep it in general range.

apon saying that i hope you don't mind but here is a few flaws that should be fixed:

1. They are to big, try to keep ion somewhat of a range that i suggested above. It would make then look so much neater.

2. YOu font is hard to read: ok for stuff like that use a clearly easy to read font, or if anything use a sharp effect with the font so that it can be seen easier.

3. No design: ya square images are ok, but to make then look better give them some sort of shape and designs, even if it is just cropping off a corner.

I rerally hope you understand what I am saying, and i'm nt trying to bash your work, just giving suggestion for the future so you know what you can do to help you improve how you have been doing thing, but tyhey do look good.

Basically the same thing, but when you are going with dark ackground you should always use lighter colors for yext as well as a color that best matches the background, for example a light green would of looked mice and would have popped better, at least i think,. at the same time i could be to bright and hard to read.
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