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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:50am by ashkir
Reverse Blade
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Reverse Arts (5th Jul 08 at 7:39am UTC)
(Premade Template)
Dunno Where to put this since I can't post in premade board. Move if you have to.

The Site Comes with a flash banner, don't have .fla so just replace it with a image if you don't want it.

Also, the template isn't done with every image so update however you want.

Preview: Click Here

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  130. <div class='re'>Reverse</div><div class='ar'>Arts</div>
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  202. Template By Reverse Blade - <a href='www.swoopdesign.com'>Swoop Design</a>
  203. </td>
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  209. Coded By Wrighty
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Reverse Arts, Comming soon!
Full Member


Posts: 319
Status: Offline
Gender: Male
Reputation: 10%  

Re: Reverse Arts (15th Jul 08 at 5:59am UTC)
Not bad, Not bad.

The choice of colors are really awesome (mind if use something like it?) and fit with each other really well. Can't see the on/off icon much but from what i see it isnt bad. I know you are going for the simple look but i think there needs something added to the banner besides pluses.....i dunno. oh btw get grads plz
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