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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:50am by ashkir
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{Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (29th May 08 at 2:16am UTC)
This one looks really cool IMO.

How does this look? The Font is Gothic Flames, The character is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. I used a Motion Blur, and Zoom Blur, and I did several things that I can't remember.

please tell me what you think.

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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (29th May 08 at 6:11pm UTC)
Overall, it's not too bad. The blurs seem to work quite well, but the text is a bit of a let down. I'd try a solid colour for the text instead of a gradient, as it does tend to lose some of the more intricate parts of the text.

Make it a solid colour, then play about with some effects and see what will make it look smexi {Smile}
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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (29th May 08 at 10:37pm UTC)
Thanks Graham, The Text is supposed to look like that, I tried solid color, and it was hard to read. so I went with gradients. Ive also played with other effects, and some of it actually made the character hard to see.
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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (3rd Jun 08 at 11:42am UTC)
Honestly, I think the whole thing is kind of boring. There really isn't much going on since you've blurred out the entire background.

The font you've used and the effects you've put on it make it hard to read. Sometimes those fonts work great, but maybe find a different Gothic font. This one is just a little overdone.

The render you used is low quality. Always try to find a render that is nice and sharp, and there are no real noticeable off colors. Also the edges should be nice and smooth.

It's not that bad, but you shouldn't of blurred the entire background. It makes it boring. Good luck with further work {Wink}


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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (8th Jun 08 at 4:55am UTC)
Whats a render {Tongue Out} and the reason why I made it like that is because its supposed to look like an explosion, here is the real picture, but its actually a wallpaper. http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/final-fantasy-7-sephiroth.jpg

I had to come up with something more then this, every Final Fantasy Fan knows the story about this part, as it is one of the best parts in the game. And I had to make it more interesting, or it would have just been flat and boring looking. All the active members like it.
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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (23rd Jun 08 at 6:26am UTC)
A render is quite a few things actually, it depends on the way it is being used. The word render can be used as a verb, or a noun with it's many meanings {Tongue Out}

The way I was referring to it was either the stock or the cut out of what you used in your graphic.

I gave you my honest opinion on the graphic, and if you weren't satisfied with it then I don't see why you asked what we think if you were going to reply with "All the active members like it."

It's one thing to over come as a designer, and I also had trouble with it. It's hard to look at your own work, ask for criticism and accept it. But until you accept what people say about your work you wont advance in designing as well as you can.

Also there are ways to make things more interesting then motion blurs. There are other tools that could be used to create an explosion, and add a little more to it then you could of been looking for.


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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (23rd Jun 08 at 7:04pm UTC)
ok, and I know I am excepting it. and I do not think I have the same thing as you, I have Paint Shop Pro 9 which is 4 versions behind the latest version. I do not have the money to upgrade it. and there is an explosion tool on Photoshop 7.0 but it seems that its not compatible with Vista {Unsure} .

and its not Motion Blur, its Fisheye. and there are allot of effects that you cant really see, but you know its there because it just is.
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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (23rd Jun 08 at 7:27pm UTC)
"I used a Motion Blur, and Zoom Blur, and I did several things that I can't remember."

I went by what you said. Also I know plenty of people who used PSP9 and could produce amazing graphics. That program isn't horrible at all, it just takes time figuring it out and producing what you want with what tools you have.


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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (24th Jun 08 at 2:18am UTC)
I know PSP9 is not horrible,
I meant Fisheye in my first post {Tongue Out} , and im learning still ok. The only problem with PSP9 I have so far is transparent images, I save it as .gif, or .png and it has no effect, But when I had the trial version of PSX3 or whatever its called, I could have transparent images, but only in FF and not in IE. with both the save of .gif or .png
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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (29th Jun 08 at 10:30am UTC)
I pretty much agree with trick.cb on all of what he has said except I still think he was being very light on his judgement and making you feel all gooey and special on the inside.

I hate to break it to you but trick.cb is one of the nicer designers on the interwebz - myself, I'm a nasty bastard that isn't really going to pay much attention to what it does to your morale.

This image, is what is called a filter pile. It's a stock/render (your choice of words) that has just had effect after effect after effect applied to it with just total randomness and blind hope that it will look okay in the end product. It's very evident even to the untrained eye and they just say it's looks awsome cause they can't produce much better themselves.

What you need to do is hit the books, find out that making images in that fashion really is not the way, aside from that, the way you've either saved the images or one of the filters that you have added has lowered the quality of the stock so much that it's hardly visible as to what it is. I couldn't have told you that it is sephiroth from FF (I have completed the whole series just stuck on X atm) thats how lowered and distorted the quality has become on it.

Just look at some tutorials, download some .PSD file formats and take a look at what a designer does to manipulate the image so that it is please to the eye using SKILL rather than luck.

Sorry if I offended you at all, it's my honest opinion and I do hope that you get better as you practice and actually take note of what people say. To post an image and to go away and come back expecting page after page of people bowing down and kissing your feet is not the way to go about it. You have to work your tail off to get to the top and only then, does it become the true battle to stay on top.



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Re: {Forbidden}~{Reunion} - Banner (30th Jun 08 at 4:32am UTC)
Thank you for your Opinions, I will take note on all what you said. and Pm me about X I already beat it 3 years ago. the only one I am stuck on is IX.
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