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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:50am by ashkir
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Need some input (16th May 08 at 2:17am UTC)
Well recently my design's have gone down, and I think it's due to lack of inspiration. I love to design as a hobby, and I'd love to pursue it as a side job, but it's hard when there are these times when I can't design anything. Basically here's what I'm wondering.

deviantArt has subscriptions that can be purchased for 3 months, or a year, and I have enough money for a year. I've been wanting a subscription for awhile, but my designs have kind of dropped lately. It might just be because school is crowding me at the moment or something stupid like my work area being messy.

ANYWAYS, the real part I need input on is should I go ahead and buy a subscription now and see if that would be enough inspiration to get me designing?


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Re: Need some input (16th May 08 at 7:49pm UTC)
What I do when my graphics are down. I take 5 images off the internet. A background, images, ect. Then i work around with them. That'll give you a challenge and then before you know it you have a great image. And after you make a couple of good things start the subscription!

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Re: Need some input (16th May 08 at 8:08pm UTC)
Me I just play around make different things, and if it looks cool I either use them or post them on here.

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Re: Need some input (19th May 08 at 12:58pm UTC)
Try surfing around sites like AListApart, CSS Remix etc. There's plenty of inspiration out there.
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Re: Need some input (19th May 08 at 2:58pm UTC)
I'm not sure if getting a subscription would help the inspiration. I found that the other day i couldn't get a good idea for the banner for my portfolio site but a look around on DA then gave me the ideas i wanted. Everyone who does something creative goes through a time where they have a "dry" spell. Perhaps wait until the school work has receded a bit then see if it's helped. If not, then get that subscription! {Smile}
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Re: Need some input (21st May 08 at 10:28pm UTC)
Forgot to update this. I finally designed something and I liked it. Getting a dA subscription is just a reminder that I should be designing and getting things in my gallery, and getting better.


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