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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:52am by ashkir
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Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 11:35am UTC)
Most of us here are migrants of PB, for whatever reason...but apart from that, who are you?

Tis a thread just to give some info about each other, make it a bit more of a community feel to it {Smile} Also feel free to ask each other questions about each other, save this just being an "introduction" thread...more of a "let's get to knoe each other" {Smile}

I'll kick things off: I'm Graham, and i'm 22 from a village just outside Pulborough in West Sussex. I'm a part time Sainsbury's worker, where i mainly just to to tease and taunt my fellow co-workers {Tongue Out} Outside of work, i do some freelance web design, and i'm about to start my second year OU degree in Law.
I love sports, and Mountain Boarding is a current fave of mine, as is Bowls, Cricket and Football. A massive music fan, and i write occasionally for The National Student for their music magazine.



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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 11:50am UTC)
Up until 2 weeks ago, I was a part time Sainsbury worker too {Grin} Now I'm a full-time web developer and part-time forum service provider.

My hobbies include reading (normally sci-fi/fantasy), TV watching (my favorite of all-time is Red Dwarf but I also like a lot of the current things like Heroes, Spooks, 24) and playing strategy games (Currently playing Rome Total war but Age of Empires II is still my favorite)

Other than that, I don't have time to do much else at the moment {Sad}

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 12:01pm UTC)
What branch of JS were you at? Bloody awfully run place, mine is {Sad} Kudos on the Red Dwarf love too {Cheesy} *sits and watches Gunman Of The Apocalypse for the 1000th time* {Cool}


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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 1:13pm UTC)
What branch of JS were you at? Bloody awfully run place, mine is {Sad} Kudos on the Red Dwarf love too {Cheesy} *sits and watches Gunman Of The Apocalypse for the 1000th time* {Cool}

Here was me thinking it was just my store (Walton) that was badly run {Unsure} Over the past 3 1/2 years I've worked on 3 different departments (Frozen Foods, Grocery & General Merchandise) with only one thing being consistent - the lack of staff, particularly checkout staff.

I love Gunmen, it'd have to be in my top 5 best moments when they start "riding" the horses {Grin}

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 2:04pm UTC)
ok, well i'm Dark Lord Grievous or you can just call me Tim.

I'm 16 and the only current jobs I have is/are being a co-admin on friends site and being a mod and g-mod on alot of other sites.

Oviously i'm a big Roleplayer, heh wat can I say? {Wink}

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 2:12pm UTC)
What branch of JS were you at? Bloody awfully run place, mine is {Sad} Kudos on the Red Dwarf love too {Cheesy} *sits and watches Gunman Of The Apocalypse for the 1000th time* {Cool}

Here was me thinking it was just my store (Walton) that was badly run {Unsure} Over the past 3 1/2 years I've worked on 3 different departments (Frozen Foods, Grocery & General Merchandise) with only one thing being consistent - the lack of staff, particularly checkout staff.

I love Gunmen, it'd have to be in my top 5 best moments when they start "riding" the horses {Grin}

Oh aye, it's the same at Pulborough - no checkout staff at all, though we only have 10 tills...i'm just glad i'm not trained {Tongue Out} I've worked on every dept while there, though not "officially", just overtime. Bet you're glad you're out of there now!
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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 3:55pm UTC)
Well, I'm Cr0w, but you can call me Marc if you please. {Smile}

I'm 15 and live in Kitchener, Ontario [about an hour outside of Toronto]. In the summer I work full time at my dad's woodworking company [9 hour days, $10 an hour. {Grin} ], and I'll soon be working part-time at Krave [pita place].

I own a site which makes websites, offers hosting, makes graphics, etc.

My hobbies include programming, web design, MSN, hanging out with friends, skateboarding, making movies, snowboarding, listening to music, playing guitar, singing, and women [ {Tongue Out} ].

My favourite kind of music is alternative rock, although I don't mind a techno song every once in a while.


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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 4:54pm UTC)
Ello every one!

I am 0wNzEr as all of you know me but, if you would like you can call me Ian. I live in WA state. I enjoy mostly everything that has to do with computers I enjoy T.V, electronics, and mostly hanging out with friends. I like rap,Hip-Hop that kind of stuff. {Grin}


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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 6:46pm UTC)
Dregond Rahl here {Cheesy}

Im 20, my part time job is fixing hardware and software problems on PC's and setting up networks. I'm from PBS, coder there. and i love to code as a hobbie.

Been really busy with exams and home workie, so online time for fun has been short. {Tongue Out}

I like hard rock, alternative, metal, techno, and anything with heavy vocals and great guitar. I'm addicted to Emma and Unreal Tournament 3 and i bite because Ross likes kinky XD



Now obsession rules my mind
This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 8:49pm UTC)
Dregond Rahl here {Cheesy}

Im 20, my part time job is fixing hardware and software problems on PC's and setting up networks. I'm from PBS, coder there. and i love to code as a hobbie.

Been really busy with exams and home workie, so online time for fun has been short. {Tongue Out}

I like hard rock, alternative, metal, techno, and anything with heavy vocals and great guitar. I'm addicted to Emma and Unreal Tournament 3 and i bite because Ross likes kinky XD


Does Emma know what's going on between you and Ross? {Shocked} {Tongue Out}

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 10:22pm UTC)
SssssSssHHH! Smiley


Now obsession rules my mind
This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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Re: Who are you? (13th Dec 07 at 10:59pm UTC)
Fantastic, the first VF love trist {Cheesy}

EDIT: Can we get this stickied Ross? I think it'd be good for people to see {Smile}
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Re: Who are you? (14th Dec 07 at 3:41am UTC)
I r Sam. Note my incredibly original Display Name. {Tongue Out}

Just finished up with Year 10, so I've got like 2 months to stuff around and do whatever I want to. I live just outside (meaning like 40kilometres) of Adelaide, Australia.
In my free time I like to post randomly on forums, code, design, annoy people on MSN, and be absolute idiots with my mates.
Bullet for my Valentine is my kind of music. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Who are you? (14th Dec 07 at 4:37am UTC)
SssssSssHHH! Smiley

*Runs to tell Emma*

Unless, of course, $100 "miraculously" shows up in my bank account. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Who are you? (14th Dec 07 at 4:49am UTC)
im infestor1, the pwnzor spammer at proboards support ( {Cheesy} , i wish {Tongue Out} ).

i am infestor1, a php programmer, and youtube video dude. {Tongue Out} . i like pie. {Grin}
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