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Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:18am UTC)
Yup, that old bugbear.

Will somebody help me out here, and explain the position against? I firmly believe that nobody does anything for the sole purpose of being an asshole, but I can't for the life of me figure out why there is an issue. I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:24am UTC)
It is pretty obvious; religion.

I do not see this thread leading to much but either "gay bashing" or "religious bashing", but I'll give it a chance and leave it open for now.

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:50am UTC)
But... If it's just religion, why is it a political issue?

Aren't politics supposed to be divorced (pardon the pun) from religion?


Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:54am UTC)
i have to say that it is BS, people have the right to marry and be with whom ever the f that they want. I get your point though, there is no need for it to be a political matter, it is stupid, really i have to say people so say f religion and mind there own business and let people be with whom ever..

(Sorry i have had a very bad birthday and being treated like crap from the girl i loves parents. So i'm venting a bit on top of being an emotional wreck..well anyways smile {Smile} )
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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:56am UTC)
That's the thing, polotics are supposed to be separated from religion, but in many governments [and in my view America is a big culprit] one religion dominates and that affects judgement. Just like with abortion, gay marriage is viewed through belief not in an unbiased way.

I personally don't see the difference in two males or two females being married to two people of the opposite sex. I suppose that marriage can be a religious thing, but if that isn't allowed in religious places, a court marriage should be. People are people, marriage is meant to show love, people love who they love. Shouldn't marriage be available no matter who the two who are to be wed?

Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:59am UTC)
yeps i'd say so
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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 5:07pm UTC)
Why politics? Well it's supposedly a marriage by law as well as "by God."

I'm unsure where I stand at the moment, I could settle for civil ceremonies, but often I've said that religious beliefs, however much you disagree with them should be honoured and respected, but I do believe any man should be able to be joined in union with another man, or woman with another woman etc. For now I think civil ceremonies are a perfectly acceptable substitute.

Unfortunately I find in these debates there end up being religious people who end up shoving there beliefs down people's throats or referring to the bible every other second with scripture, when there's no proof the bible has any significant standing. For me it's a book designed to give people hope/faith and morals on how to live their life, nothing more.

Then you'll get the some religious bashing from the other side, or religious fanatics saying "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!!!1111111", grow up.

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 5:31pm UTC)
Yup, that old bugbear.

Will somebody help me out here, and explain the position against? I firmly believe that nobody does anything for the sole purpose of being an asshole, but I can't for the life of me figure out why there is an issue. I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?


Firstly we have to find out if you're talking about UK or US.

In the UK it's not marriage, it's a civil partnership. It's recognised the same as a marriage, but I don't think it has the same religious implications as an actual marriage.

Therefore there are few people religiously against this.

However, in US, I don't know the system.
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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 5:36pm UTC)
Obviously it is a religious deal, depending on whom the political leader is, they will decide based of their religion. (Christians believe the world started with a man and a woman, thus, no gays.)

{Tongue Out}


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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 5:41pm UTC)
Obviously it is a religious deal, depending on whom the political leader is, they will decide based of their religion. (Christians believe the world started with a man and a woman, thus, no gays.)

{Tongue Out}

It's not though. A civil partnership IS NOT religious in the same way as marriage. Therefore there is no reason why it shouldn't be allowed.

I'm not saying that peoples' crowded religious views will not affect this, but what I'm saying is, in the way the church is involved associated, it has nothing to worry about.


understand? {Tongue Out}
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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 5:45pm UTC)

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:18pm UTC)
I believe it is illegal in the US.

I am a Christian, so my religion will naturally give a biased answer, but not much.

I believe that, as Wrighty said, civil ceremonies are fine. However, I do not like that Stephen Harper made religious ones legal as well. I have no problem with homosexuality, bisexuality, or any of that; many of my friends are bisexual/gay. The only thing I don't like is that our leader is trying to change our religious belief system.

As I said, I have no problem with two men/two women getting a civil marriage; if they love each other and want to spend their lives together, then I have nothing against it. I just don't appreciate our own government trying to impede on peoples' religious beliefs.

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:20pm UTC)
I believe it is illegal in the US.

I am a Christian, so my religion will naturally give a biased answer, but not much.

I believe that, as Wrighty said, civil ceremonies are fine. However, I do not like that Stephen Harper made religious ones legal as well. I have no problem with homosexuality, bisexuality, or any of that; many of my friends are bisexual/gay. The only thing I don't like is that our leader is trying to change our religious belief system.

As I said, I have no problem with two men/two women getting a civil marriage; if they love each other and want to spend their lives together, then I have nothing against it. I just don't appreciate our own government trying to impede on peoples' religious beliefs.

I agree, see I would type that all, but I'm a bit lazy.

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Re: Gay Marriage (17th Feb 08 at 6:44pm UTC)
So far, I've gotten responses that follow my basic thoughts:

1. Marriage is a religious institution, and should be left out of government.
2. The government should recognize and make accommodations for those who choose to spend their lives together.
3. A civil union would be a perfectly fine substitute to marriage, so long as there is equality and non-discrimination between the two.

I personally have no desire to be married. Why would I? That's like a straight boy arguing that he should be allowed into a gay bar. Should he? Maybe, maybe not. The real issue is, why would he want to?

I never understood why gay/bi/lesbian/transgender people wouldn't accept civil unions, and why religion and government wouldn't give it to them (in some areas).

So I guess I'm still confused.

What's the big deal, again?


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Re: Gay Marriage (18th Feb 08 at 1:36pm UTC)
Then you'll get the some religious bashing from the other side, or religious fanatics saying "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!!!1111111", grow up.

lol. that was funny {Grin}

You need a member each from the 2 genders of any species to procreate and propagate the species. Thats a simple logic and forms the basis of the origin theory for mankind. Its the same in every religion. Names might be different. Thats because this is what every understands and understood when the religious scriptures were written.

But obviously sexual orientation is trivial and a non-issue when it comes to love, sex, or marriage. Anyone is free to marry anyone else.

A marriage is more than just a religious ceremony. It is an incredible moment in the lives of the two people vowing to stay together till death parts them. Most people grow up wanting that moment in their lives. And that has no religious connotations. A civil union on the other hand is such a formal and "inhuman" way of pairing up - its literally like signing a contract. Psssh. I love the concept of marriage and would love to get married when I find the right girl. I'd love to celebrate our love with friends and family. Wouldn't miss it for anything. Its as simple as that. {Tongue Out}
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