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Norton (5th Feb 08 at 11:53pm UTC)
A few weeks ago I brought myself a wireless router. Nothing fancy but just so I could start using my laptop again. But for some reason I couldn't get the Internet to work on it which was driving me mad until I found the culprit... Norton Internet Security.

I had installed an old copy of Norton on there when I first got it but never uninstalled it when the licence expired; I just presumed that it'd just stop working. But it would appear that when the licence expired it continued to run in the background blocking any connections which hadn't already been setup without asking me including my new wireless one. Needless to say a fight started between the two of us with Norton finally being evicted from the machine for good {Tongue Out}

I'm just happy that I've finally managed to get it working {Grin} So who else has wireless Internet around their home/work place?

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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 2:28am UTC)
That just happend on my friends computer today sorta, Norton won't allow anything to be downloaded even though the license was dead {Smile} I just installed it.


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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 7:51am UTC)
Wireless FTW!!!

I don't use Norton, and never preinstall it on any machines I build, simply cause it sucks...

AVG is good! {Smile}
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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 11:10am UTC)
Aye, Norton is a horrible bit of work, slow, hard to use and extremely bulky. AVG wins {Tongue Out}

Wireless is excellent, except for when the connection disappears when you're trying to have conversation {Angry}
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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 1:08pm UTC)
I have Norton somewhere on my computer, but never even turn it on; never even bothered buying a license for it. {Tongue Out}

I have a Wireless-N+ router/adapater, and it's quite fast. The only thing I dislike is that the connection likes to disappear, and the network doesn't even show up in my wireless network list; even when I'm sitting in the same room as the router. {Sad}

EDIT: How funny, it kicked me off as I hit the "Post" button. I actually wrote all this about 15 minutes prior to it posting. {Unsure}

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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 8:33pm UTC)
Norton = Useless Nod32 = Smiley

I have wireless around my house. Just need to get a new desktop downstairs and wireless printing will be available. This meaning I no longer need to go downstairs and plug my laptop in just to print something.
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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 8:51pm UTC)
Sorry I hate Norton with a passion


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Re: Norton (6th Feb 08 at 9:35pm UTC)
I have a wireless printer, that means I can print to it from any pc in the house, and it only has the one power cable... and to make it more fun... it was the same price as the wired one... I love it when companies make mistakes! Smiley
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Re: Norton (17th Feb 08 at 3:53am UTC)
I have wireless, got it awhile ago, I mostly use it for my PSP, for PSP to PSP, or just regular internet connection. But once we get taxs done, and out of the way, I will be getting a laptop. Now about Norton, Norton is the best Anti virus program there is AVG sucks, Mcafee sucks, (they even think PB is a threat {Angry} ) We get Norton Free from our ISP, so we dont have to renew nothing, and it blocks all threat, so we are virus free ^_^
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Re: Norton (17th Feb 08 at 4:06pm UTC)
I use wireless and norton and I'm fine. LOL

Re: Norton (20th Feb 08 at 4:07pm UTC)
Norton is a little to secure you should use AVG
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Re: Norton (22nd Feb 08 at 1:59am UTC)
You want secure, not something that will catch small viruses while the bigger viruses attack your computer, my friend had AVG and his computer is fried after 1 month of having it, and downloading AVG.
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