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Question: What/Which Music Player(s) You Use?
Users may vote for up to 7 options
Windows Media Player[######################################################################] (7 Votes / 70%)
Winamp[####################] (2 Votes / 20%)
Real Player[##########] (1 Vote / 10%)
iTunes[] (0 Votes / 0%)
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Music Player(s) You Use (10th Dec 07 at 10:37pm UTC)
Pretty self explanatory. {Tongue Out}

I use WMP, but use Winamp when streaming for my online radio station. {Smile}

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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (10th Dec 07 at 10:45pm UTC)
WMP. It does the trick for me, and i've not seen a need for another one yet {Smile}
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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (10th Dec 07 at 10:47pm UTC)
WMP. It does the trick for me, and i've not seen a need for another one yet {Smile}

I think most people will be choosing WMP. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (12th Dec 07 at 6:06am UTC)

{Tongue Out}

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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (15th Dec 07 at 1:23pm UTC)
WMP. It does the trick for me, and i've not seen a need for another one yet {Smile}

I think most people will be choosing WMP. {Tongue Out}

You'd most likely be right then. {Tongue Out}

I use WMP. Me no likey the other ones. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (15th Dec 07 at 4:11pm UTC)
WMP. It does the trick for me, and i've not seen a need for another one yet {Smile}

I think most people will be choosing WMP. {Tongue Out}

You'd most likely be right then. {Tongue Out}

I use WMP. Me no likey the other ones. {Tongue Out}

The only thing I don't like about WMP is that a few of my songs won't play in WMP for the dumbest reason ever.

It says "No song information could be found in our online database." and then it skips to the next song... {Unsure} So yeah, that's another time I use Winamp rather than WMP. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (21st Dec 07 at 6:11pm UTC)
I only use WMP for music.
VLC player for some movies, depending on the format and yeah blah.

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Re: Music Player(s) You Use (21st Dec 07 at 8:47pm UTC)
I only use WMP for music.
VLC player for some movies, depending on the format and yeah blah.

I generally use HP Quickplay for movies. {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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