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Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 12:24pm UTC)
Bit misleading, but there we go {Tongue Out}

How much of your internet "life" do you let people know about in "real" life? Are you the kind of person what has two separate lives and keeps them secret, or do you integrate your friends?

Personally, i think only 0ne or two know about the forums i run, and as far, no-one knows i'm staff here yet apart from my girlfriend {Lips Sealed} Most know about the web/graphic designing but not more about the forums etc.

What about you? {Smile}


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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 12:30pm UTC)
Bit misleading, but there we go {Tongue Out}

How much of your internet "life" do you let people know about in "real" life? Are you the kind of person what has two separate lives and keeps them secret, or do you integrate your friends?

Personally, i think only 0ne or two know about the forums i run, and as far, no-one knows i'm staff here yet apart from my girlfriend {Lips Sealed} Most know about the web/graphic designing but not more about the forums etc.

What about you? {Smile}

Some of the people I work with know about this place but that's all. My friends used to know about all the forums I visited but as yet I've not told any of them or any of my family about here o.O

So yeah, the two are very separate at the moment.

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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 3:03pm UTC)
My family and friends really care less. One of them tried to take me out to dinner when I did get my status promotion on AboutUs. So oO yeah...A lot of my internet life is not known by my family or few real life friends.

I have different views then most of my friends, which is a main reason I don't let the know.
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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 4:41pm UTC)
I keep the two separate, like Nick said my family and friends can care less.

Like they do use the internet as well but we don't talk about anything about the net.

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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 6:05pm UTC)
My friends & family don't know... I mean if they did, I wouldn't have to be in the closet in real life! {Tongue Out}

And also, people know I like webdesign. My family found out about me on conforums a while back... but don't kno about thing about me & PB & vF... Actually saying that, one of my friends found me on mAsDesigns after I told him about PB etc...

But that's meh, he's a internet type tooo !:D
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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 8:40pm UTC)
Most of my friends find forums boring; none of my real-life friends know that I have anything to do with any forum system. {Tongue Out} If they know what forums are, that is. o.O

Most of my internet life isn't known by most of my friends; all they know is that I kick ass when it comes to computers. {Tongue Out}

They'll ask me to get around blocks at the school, or get a sheet from a teacher's account for them or something, but that's about it. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 8:58pm UTC)
It doesn't really ever come up. I don't care enough about the forums at least.

My website, everyone knows about.

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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 9:39pm UTC)
No one really knows I go on forums apart from my family but then again they don't know what I say on them !
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Re: Internet in real world? (15th Jan 08 at 9:55pm UTC)
I have a few friends who know I design, one who knows I use forums because he does too.


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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 1:45am UTC)
Most people just know I'm good at computers, 2 of my friends know I go to forums and can design.

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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 3:08am UTC)
Most of my friends know I do alot of work online, They don't know specifics though. I keep them seperate as much as possible.

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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 5:31am UTC)
Know once suspects anything. For I r expert ninja.

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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 8:33am UTC)
I've never had to tell someone about it, thus I never share. If someone asked me in real life, I'd tell 'em about the places I visit.
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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 10:30am UTC)
I've never had to tell someone about it, thus I never share. If someone asked me in real life, I'd tell 'em about the places I visit.

That's one thing i was wondering: for all the people that haven't told people, is there a reason for it? Is it that you don't think it's important, or you just like the privacy? {Smile}
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Re: Internet in real world? (16th Jan 08 at 12:15pm UTC)
Not really sure how to explain
I have just recently realized this:

On the bus, there are people that always sit together, maybe 3 or 4 people. Because they've been riding the same school bus, for all their life. They haven't moved since Kindie, so they all grew up the same way. They all act the same way, all the stoners get off at the same stop, all the preps the same. But as for me, I moved a lot so never really belonged to one group. I went to the same school, but never had the same means of transportation as someone else for long.
Being that way, I have this weird thing to where I adjust to the way people are, and I act differently around different people. My wifee noticed it when I am around my mom cause I act really weird. And my mom notices it when I am at my friends' houses and I am on the phone.
So it really depends. I am generally the same though...

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