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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:53am by ashkir
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The Defense of Ironforge [WoW] (13th Jan 08 at 9:52am UTC)
After setting out on our normal thing, we members of the Alliance learned of a plot against us! Horde! Horde, they yelled across the great mountains!

Surely, we were surprised about it. As the scouts continued to run and scream of the Horde, one finally calmed themselves down to explain.

The lake, they said. 80 Horde gathered at the lake! As this news was daft, we soon took heed. Many of us ran to the great mountain city of Ironforge. Some of us ran to the lake to scout.

We waited. Soon, we heard, "The Horde are coming!" We prepped the abilities and the defenses.

Soon the Horde attacked Ironforge!

The few of us at the entrance of Ironforge weren't ready when the attack happened. Soon we got pushed back. The Horde jumped at this chance to strike. We tried to fight back, but we soon saw there was too many of them.

Just as all hope was lost, reinforcements had arrived! Quickly, we pushed them back to the gate of Ironforge.

After pushing them back, we saw just how many Horde there was. They continued to come into Ironforge!

They pushed us back again! The battle rocked back and forth, each side trading blows.

Not long after the attack, the Horde's numbers started to dwindle down to just a handful.

The last few Horde left tried to fight back. Only to have its last remaining men die.

Ironforge had been defended from the Horde's assault. 145 units had attacked the great city of Ironforge, none left it alive.

As some of you can see, this is a story form of a real attack on Ironforge that happened yesterday.
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Re: The Defense of Ironforge [WoW] (13th Jan 08 at 10:17am UTC)
I am a proud horde. =P.

The best attack I ever been in on was the attack of Stormwind and Ironforge. We had nearly a full raid group of just rogues and druids, and one warlock (with invisbility potions and orb of deception).

We got to a safe place in Ironforge, summoned the Mage. Attacked the king, downed him. then all stealthed off to the tram and and manually ran across to deflag. We waited until we all were ready did the same for Stormwind.

Then we used the mage to all port out. ^_^ Not one person died.

And I do play on Cenarion Circle. =P muhaha! I am actually suprised Alliance actually defended their city o_o. They never do and we averagly attack Stormwind or Ironforge and usualyl down the kings.

If I recall right I was:
Guild Leader - Nexus
Officer - OutKast
Officer - One and Only
Lower Officer - Grim Maw Clan
Lower Officer offered, but declined - Physcotic Syndicate or something like that
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