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I <3 Rossy

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2020 (25th Oct 20 at 9:13pm UTC)
It's been almost a year since the last post, so I figured it might be time for another one, haha.

Hope everyone is staying safe and doing well these days wherever you are in the world!

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: 2020 (13th Apr 21 at 3:40pm UTC)
We're doing good here! {Smile} My life never changed. lol.
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Re: 2020 (10th Jul 21 at 11:16pm UTC)
I'm still here. I worked more overtime during the pandemic than I ever have in the past. Unfortunately, I can't work from home. I had to interact with about a dozen people who ended up catching the virus. Somehow, I came through without catching it. Now I'm fully vaccinated, so it seems the worst is over for me.
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