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...? (23rd Aug 11 at 6:07pm UTC)
What happened to everyone? Ross, Slip, Wrighty, and other members of the Staff have not been on in a long time, same with regular members? {Sad} Are you all giving up? {Cry}


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Re: ...? (24th Aug 11 at 10:34pm UTC)
I have been on holidays recently & am now just catching up on everything. Am still here though {Smile}

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Re: ...? (25th Aug 11 at 6:02am UTC)
Ok good, looking forward to more updates. {Smile}
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Re: ...? (25th Aug 11 at 8:45pm UTC)
It's the summer holidays season, so people have been off uni or off work.

Mine will follow in a month or so when my house purchase goes through, and i'll be net-less for a bit. Not sure how i'll feel about that :/
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Re: ...? (25th Aug 11 at 9:24pm UTC)
Thanks Nick. It was starting to feel like a ghost town around this place. It seems like when you post it just collects dust on it.

Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, anyways, thanks for posting this message, I wouldn't of done it.

C'mon Ross, we need to try and put that spark back into VF like it was two years ago, sure the servers have load on them, but take a gander at your members list and forum acti... O.O ok... I just saw a tumble weed roll past me... -- There just when my point in the breeze dude.

I know some are on break or have jobs that go from the point they wake up to the point that they sleep. I know some have lost the Internet as well, but maybe we lost respect for how big the Internet is and we need to harness that power and bring back the town life VF did have.

I really don't want to ever see VF go under as just a fad, as a call out to all forum administrators and to VF staff alike its time to light our fireworks and re-spread the word and bring ghost towns back to life.

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Re: ...? (26th Aug 11 at 2:02am UTC)
Thanks Nick. It was starting to feel like a ghost town around this place. It seems like when you post it just collects dust on it.

Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, anyways, thanks for posting this message, I wouldn't of done it.

C'mon Ross, we need to try and put that spark back into VF like it was two years ago, sure the servers have load on them, but take a gander at your members list and forum acti... O.O ok... I just saw a tumble weed roll past me... -- There just when my point in the breeze dude.

I know some are on break or have jobs that go from the point they wake up to the point that they sleep. I know some have lost the Internet as well, but maybe we lost respect for how big the Internet is and we need to harness that power and bring back the town life VF did have.

I really don't want to ever see VF go under as just a fad, as a call out to all forum administrators and to VF staff alike its time to light our fireworks and re-spread the word and bring ghost towns back to life.

Actually, vForums isn't dying out at all. If you check out the stats on the Home Page, you'll see we're approaching 10,000 forums, we've broken 500,000 replies, and the New Forums statistic has been consistently above 15 for the past little while.

The only part of VF that isn't very active is the support forum, which is understandable. All of the staff have full-time jobs as far as I know, as well as various other responsibilities (such as buying a house, as Graham pointed out). Personally I still check in on a daily basis, I just don't post as much as I did in the past; mainly because of time constraints. I just quit my full-time job last week, and I'll be moving about 3 hours north of where I live now to begin post-secondary education in about 2 weeks. I'm also in the process of starting a business, as well as having 2 freelance contracts on the go; so needless to say, life's been pretty busy.

I do agree, however, that it would be nice if VFS were a more active community, but as long as VF itself is still growing and doing well, then that's all we can really ask for. {Smile}

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Re: ...? (28th Dec 11 at 3:50am UTC)
nice.. good information
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