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Idealism of Supreme Conquest (v2) (24th Jan 10 at 10:41am UTC)
Original Post: http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/board/general/topic/29906/action/view_topic/idealism-of-supreme-conquest

This may sound like an odd question, but have any of you pondered on the idea of supreme conquest?

Time and time again i sit back and see the world how it is and everything that could be done to make it so much better. Yet everyone sits back and hide in fear when they could make a difference, make an impact, if they only stood up. I have been really depressed lastly as some of my friend on here know and I always think a lot when i'm really depressed. One of the things that popped into my head was that saying. "To rebuild you first must destroy." and i was wondering do any of you think the theory would really work to fix the problems in the world as they are today? Yes i know the world today isn't as bad as it used to be. Wars are few to seldom, but they last for month, even years. Innocent people dying, and for what a few morons with an over grown ego{Confused} Everyone is still living in fear, consumed by power, but how do you think the world would react if all that power was remember useless?

Same question as before {Unsure} please people this thread is suppose to be to discuss peoples ideals on the matter and not get offensive. I posted the original link to better explain my opinions on it. I had to make an new thread cause a member took the personal matter between me and him way to personally and went way over board so he deleted his account, leaving the old thread full of posts from me {Unsure}

I don't mind if your opinions are negative to the subject, but please i beg everyone do not take this thread personally, and dont make personal attacks towards other members based on their opinion. You have the right to freely express your opinion and so does everyone else, no matter what they say.
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Re: Idealism of Supreme Conquest (v2) (6th Feb 10 at 3:48pm UTC)
I've seen this post around for several days now, and it still looks rather recent so let me give it a go.

I have heard of that before, If I recall it was used before, for the wrong causes? I remember history but I'm not that good at it. It seems like you would want to do a massive "reset" on things and attempt to bring the world neutrality.

It's hard to say in such a corrupt political world we live in. Watching the State of the Union address, there are things I really liked and, well to our political opponent did nothing... You sound like, the thing is messed up and so bad its un-fixable; so I am understanding you would rather scrap out the old and just start over from fresh.

Trying to word this the best I can, I really hate politics, and the many reason I don't care to listen to responses after the addresses. It's all for votes and money. I'd really like to see republicans (here in the US) to just stop. Stop everything they are doing and let democrats make changes. I think if I remember my history correctly, it was democrats that fixed each and every depression this nation alone has faced.

From the viewpoint I'm getting from Dwight, it's like you want to erase corrupt policies, politics, and reset the world so that the world is a better place.

Personally, I could see that possible in our nation alone if you give it enough time. In the entire world might make wars break out?

Also sorry to hear that the last member took it a little too much.

Re: Idealism of Supreme Conquest (v2) (6th Feb 10 at 4:27pm UTC)
Yea sadly war would break out. The problem is its not possible to just fix problems in one area and ignore the rest. In this world there will always be a battle for power, causing war, but I think if you take out the need for war, making everyone equal, providing help to those in need, things can change. Yes i do realize some people would always be set in their ways, but it those that are willing to reach out and help humanity are the ones that will help the world excel. I know the idea of it all can be a bit harsh, cause the idealism in general would be to completely destroy the foundation this very world is built on, even if it means by force in order to achieve balance. Its can be a rather intellectual and complicated topic XD

Also yes in the last the idealism of supreme conquest was only carried out by those who were out of destruction, Hitler for example (sorry if anyone gets offended by me saying that). Though if the path of supreme conquest was taking by someone with noble ambitions I honestly feel like they could change this world for the better. There so so many positive things that can come from the world being untied under a single union. One of which is there wouldn't be a resource struggle, people could get help when needed. Everything can be cut down into a single currency so everyone's money would get accepted everywhere. There wouldn't, or at least hope, there wouldn't be or at least not as much discrimination based on race, color, or anything like that cause everyone would be made equal. Then after everything is settled and stable, the world can split up, a president of each country, creating a true global government, managed by its people as the US government is, then have some form of a higher branch, a group of members that never changes, like nobility, that will watch over everything and have the power to step in if needed.

I know its not perfect, nothing ever is, and it could just be some weird dream, but if you get the right person to step in and take control it can happen.
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Re: Idealism of Supreme Conquest (v2) (28th Apr 10 at 8:51pm UTC)
Conflict is a necessity in a world where desires exceed resources. Taking over the world would not change that. The likely results are:
1) Nothing really changes. You find it impossible to exert top-down control (see the U.N.) and just have a bunch of warring states within your empire.
2) In order to exert your control, you become the bad guy, forcing people to "play nice" and breeding all sorts of internal strife. When you eventually die, the world disintegrates (see Queen Victoria or Modern-day Iraq).

Idealism like this is nice, but ultimately you are trying to change the symptoms without attacking the causes. You need to find them, and see if it is possible to address them. Some, such as finite resources, are unlikely to be solved ever. Others, such as massive welath inequality, might be worth some effort.


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