Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | What 'do' you do? (15th Jun 09 at 11:30am UTC) | | I'm sitting at work at the moment, and the thought occurred to me: exactly what does everyone else do for work? Do you have a job and if not, are you looking for one? Personally, i have 2 jobs at the moment. One is working for Sainsbury's (big UK supermarket chain) as a 'general assistant' - that means i mainly do shelf filling but also i'll be called to help in the warehouse with deliveries, some stock control etc. Yes, it's as boring as it sounds but the people i work with are awesome and generally make the shifts go quicker than they are. It's like one big family - every colleage knows each other and everyone hangs out together too - obviously there are certain groups but everyone will come together for a big night out, or the weekly sunday football match etc. My other job is only a work experience placement at the moment but i'm hoping it might become permanant. It's with a local website/graphic design company not far from where i live. I do that 3-4 days a week. It's a cool place to work, as it's a small team so everyone gets on well and the clients pop in from time to time to see how things are going. The banter is good too . It's not paid though (apaprt from petrol money) but i wasn't expecting it as i mainly wanted it so it shows on my CV, however if things become permanent then i won't complain! So how about you? | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: What 'do' you do? (15th Jun 09 at 2:23pm UTC) | | Well, I currently work at a fast food/ice cream place called "Dairy Queen" (not sure if you have them in the UK). I've worked there for the past 10 months, and am currently a "Bronze" level employee making $9/hour. It's a fun job; the people I work with are fantastic, and (apart from a few bad apples) the customers are generally friendly. Since it's summer now, I'm quite happy with the job, but I'm planning on searching for a second job soon, seeing how in the winter time we get scheduled about half as much, and I have bills to pay. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
RuhRoe Full Member
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pmxfire | Re: What 'do' you do? (15th Jun 09 at 5:07pm UTC) | | I work at a place called Stevens Publishing Company. They are a newspaper printing company. I make under minimum wage because I'm underage to get paid minimum. (I have the job because my dad is one of the owners) This job is amazing because you don't do the same things every day. It's a little boring lately though because we have nothing to do though. I work on a lot of things that you guys probably have no idea what it is and I can't really explain it. I bag, fly, stack, bail, wrap, and feed pockets. | |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: What 'do' you do? (15th Jun 09 at 6:31pm UTC) | | I'm a dishwasher making $6.55 an hour 5 hours every other night. | |
slip Moderator
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pmmsn | Re: What 'do' you do? (15th Jun 09 at 7:51pm UTC) | | I work as a Project Editor with Dorling Kindersley [Penguin Group] at their Delhi Office. | |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
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pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: What 'do' you do? (17th Jun 09 at 2:41am UTC) | | I work at a summer camp | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: What 'do' you do? (17th Jun 09 at 10:22pm UTC) | | My "Job" is as a web developer. But this covers a range of things though including: Devloping new web applications Implementing website designs / templates [which would include cross-browser testing] Providing support & bug fixes for these web applications / websites Supporting other members of my team with their bug fixing Supervising other members of staff with their tasks Providing estimates/quotations for projects Managing our range of servers & domains + our internal infrastructure Consulting with other departments (design, seo/sem, sales) to ensure everything heads in the right direction I love this job because it can be so varied in what I do from one day to the next. Obviously, that is besides running this place | |
Neversoft New Member

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pmwwwmsnyahooaim | Re: What 'do' you do? (18th Jun 09 at 8:21pm UTC) | | Hey guys havent been here in a while Anyway, at the moment I just help my dad at his store. We run a convenient store/ gas stations. As I told someone before, its like a county Wal Mart, as in we have just about everything. Food, gas, bait, tackle, alcohol, cigarettes, ammo, clothes, and bunch of other crap I basically just help stock, run the register, and make bank deposits. Not bad, but I dont get paid much. | |
snakeair Junior Member
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pmwwwyahoo | Re: What 'do' you do? (2nd Jul 09 at 5:42am UTC) | | For the past 10 years i have worked at a computer company installing hardware and software with some trouble shooting here and there. I have worked on special projects at this job in which are test pilot projects meaning i have full control of it. Anything i need i get, any changes to the lotus notes it's considered done. After test pilot project is done and client likes what he see's we then get the full contract and other tech's besides me work on it. Basically i help make everything easy for all of us after working out all the bug's with test pilot. I have my side activites i do as a hobby in which are online. Also i'm a moderator on a large internet marketing forum owned by a rich guru. lol | |
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