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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:52am by ashkir
miss orif
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Re: IQ (3rd Jan 08 at 6:06pm UTC)
How do you get it? It just came up with the e-mail thing and never sent it! I'm not paying!


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Re: IQ (3rd Jan 08 at 6:09pm UTC)
Just wait for it! {Smile}
miss orif
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Re: IQ (3rd Jan 08 at 6:10pm UTC)
Your general IQ score is: 156

I'm half asleep...

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Re: IQ (3rd Jan 08 at 6:17pm UTC)
Tis quite interesting how many people say "oh, i'm tired/no energy" etc when they've got scores of 140-150 and over...yet the average IQ is about 100-120. So far, everyone seems to have high intelligence, which either means a) some are fibbing {Tongue Out} b) the test is poor or c) we've got a select group of brainy people here {Smile}
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Re: IQ (3rd Jan 08 at 6:32pm UTC)
well it is a coding type site

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