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MacBook?? (20th Jul 08 at 3:57pm UTC)
I already bought a Dell notebook with Windows Vista earlier this year. But I have been dying to buy an Apple MacBook since. Cos I Smiley Leopard. BEST OS EVER!!

Anyone have a MacBook? Would you recommend it?
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Re: MacBook?? (26th Jul 08 at 9:15pm UTC)
I have a MacBook Pro. Other than a pretty major issue with the graphics card when it heats up (nVidias fault, not Apple), its the best computer I've ever had.

I've had a go on an old iBook, and it was great. If you want to play games though, go for a Pro, not a normal. {Smile}

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Re: MacBook?? (27th Jul 08 at 5:01am UTC)
aaah my family won't let me dish out so much for a Pro seeing as I just bought a Vista Dell Inspiron notebook couple of months ago. But I got my Dad to gift me a MacBook {Cheesy} So come first week of september and I get a shiny new MacBook with Leopard!! {Cheesy}
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