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vForums Support :: Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: Posting Remodel - View Topic
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Posting Remodel (30th Apr 08 at 6:46pm UTC)
This code merges the subject & description row. And then puts the UBBC icons to the right of those 2 input boxes. And then the smilies below all of that.

Also, expands the width of the message field. {Smile}


/*Posting Mod v1
Created By Wrighty
Do Not: Rip, Repost or Claim*/

var love = {
    kiss: function(){
    hug: function(){
        var lick = document.createElement('div');
        var finger = lick.cloneNode(true);
        var vag = finger.cloneNode(true);
            style.cssText = 'float: right';
            style.cssText = 'float: left';
            style.cssText = 'text-align: center; clear: both; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 5px;';
            style.cssText = 'vertical-align: top';
            style.display = 'none';
            nextSibling.style.display = 'none';
            nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display = 'none';
        get('message','name')[0].style.width = '99%'

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