Michael Moderator
![[Avatar]](http://av.wservices.co.uk/av.png) Recoding the future Posts: 4,043 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: UK Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmvForum | Extra Smilies in Quick Reply (29th Apr 08 at 7:16pm UTC) | | This code will allow you to add extra smiles to the quick reply smilies. Please note that you have to have the smilies added in the => Extra smilies.
Edit as below:
l: [ ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"] ],
l: [ ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",":P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"] ],
Remember the last line doesn't have a comma. Also, It's link to the smilie first, and then the 'code'. The top red part is the one to edit. The 2nd one is the editted one, with more smilies added.
<script> /*Extra Smilies in Quick Reply Created By Wrighty Do Not: Rip, Repost or Claim*/
var s = {
l: [ ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"], ["http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/smiley.gif",": P"] ],
h: get('quick_reply_ubbc','id').getElementsByTagName('center')[1], do: function(){ if(get('quick_reply_ubbc','id')){ this.h.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); this.h.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); for(a=0;a<this.l.length;a++){ var i = document.createElement('img'); i.src = this.l[a][0]; var x = document.createElement('a'); x.onclick = "add_ubbc('"+this.l[a][1]+"')"; x.style.cssText = "vertical-align: bottom; cursor: pointer;"; x.appendChild(i); this.h.appendChild(x); } } } }; s.do(); </script>
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