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vForums Support :: Programming & Coding :: Database of Codes/Hacks/Mods :: Move Locked Threads To Bottom - View Topic
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Recoding the future

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Move Locked Threads To Bottom (29th Apr 08 at 4:10pm UTC)
This code will move the locked threads to the bottom of the thread listings for that page. Something to help to keep them out of the way.

/*Move Locked Threads To Bottom
Created By Wrighty
Do Not: Rip, Repost or Claim*/

    var d = get('tr','tag');
    var y = d.length;
        if(d[y].cells[0].colSpan == '5' && d[y].cells[0].className == 'title1'){
            var a = d.length;
                if(d[a].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/\[L\]/) && d[a].cells[0].className == 'window1' && d[a].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/started by/i)){
                    d[y].parentNode.insertBefore(d[a], d[y])

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Re: Move Locked Threads To Bottom (18th May 08 at 9:27pm UTC)
Don't the locked threads automaticially go to the bottom if you don't post in them?

Recoding the future

Posts: 4,043
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Location: UK

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Reputation: 58%  

Re: Move Locked Threads To Bottom (18th May 08 at 9:28pm UTC)
That's if you don't post in them. But if you lock a thread that has just been posted in, it will be at the top... so this will move ALL locked threads to the bottom.
Re: Move Locked Threads To Bottom (18th May 08 at 9:33pm UTC)
Oh Ok. I see how this works. Thanks for explaining it Wrighty.

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