Michael Moderator
Recoding the future Posts: 4,043 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: UK Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmvForum | Mark As Read Bar (17th Apr 08 at 8:36pm UTC) | | This will add a 'Mark as read' bar to the last category. Edit the part in red to change the image.
var img = 'http://virtualforums.co.uk/images/home.gif';
var r = get('tr','tag'); var a = r.length; var x = document.createElement('tr'); var y = document.createElement('td'); var i = document.createElement('img'); var l = document.createElement('a'); i.src = img; l.href = '/action/markasread/type/boards/'; l.appendChild(i); y.align = 'right'; y.className = 'title1'; y.colSpan = '3'; y.appendChild(l); x.appendChild(y); while(a--){ if(r[a].id.match(/board_(\w)/)){ r[a].parentNode.insertBefore(x, r[a].nextSibling); break; } } </script>
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