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Drop Down Smileys Code (30th Dec 07 at 9:33pm UTC)
This puts all the smileys in a drop down list.

id like to say thanks to Wrighty and Cr0w for all the help they gave me trying to get this to work.

Global Header
  1. <div id="dropDown" style="display: none;">
  2. <select id="smileys">
  3. <option value="none">Select a Smiley </option>
  4. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :)');" value="Smile">Smile</option>
  5. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' ;)');" value="Wink">Wink</option>
  6. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' ;D');" value="Grin">Grin</option>
  7. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' 8-)');" value="Cool">Cool</option>
  8. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :P');" value="Tongue">Tongue</option>
  9. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :(');" value="Sad">Sad</option>
  10. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' ::)');" value="Rolleyes">Rolleyes</option>
  11. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :'(');" value="Cry">Cry</option>
  12. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :-/');" value="Unsure">Unsure</option>
  13. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' ???');" value="Confused">Confused</option>
  14. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' >:(');" value="Angry">Angry</option>
  15. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :O');" value="Shocked">Shocked</option>
  16. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :-*');" value="Kiss">Kiss</option>
  17. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :-x');" value="Lips Sealed">Lips Sealed</option>
  18. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :-[');" value="Embarrassed">Embarrassed</option>
  19. <option onclick="add_ubbc(' :D');" value="Laugh">Laugh</option>
  20. </select>
  21. </div>

Global Footer
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. <!--
  3. if(location.href.match(//post//)){
  4. var getRow = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
  5. for(x=0; x<getRow.length; x++){
  6. if(getRow[x].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/Smilies/i) && getRow[x].cells[0].width == '15%'){
  7. var drop = document.getElementById("smileys")
  8. getRow[x].cells[1].replaceChild(drop, getRow[x].cells[1].firstChild);
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }
  13. //-->
  14. </script>

Myspace | deviantART

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Re: Drop Down Smileys Code (30th Dec 07 at 9:54pm UTC)
Can you hide the div that's holding the smilies? Otherwise it'll show up where it isn't needed! {Wink}
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Age: 33
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Re: Drop Down Smileys Code (30th Dec 07 at 9:55pm UTC)
oh yeah I did that before but when I re- copied your code I forgot to redo it {Tongue Out}

Myspace | deviantART

"Suffer For Your Art"
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