Michael Moderator
![[Avatar]](http://av.wservices.co.uk/av.png) Recoding the future Posts: 4,043 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: UK Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmvForum | Multicoloured Names (2nd Apr 08 at 10:25pm UTC) | | This will allow you to replace a members displayname with anything you wish.
The purpose that it was written for was for multi-colored names.
<script> /*Multicoloured Names Created By Wrighty Do Not: Rip, Repost or Claim*/
var a = get('a','tag'); function _col(u, x){ for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){ if(a[i].href.match(new RegExp('view_profile/user/'+u))){ a[i].innerHTML = x } } } _col('admin', '<font color=#FF0000>Ad</font><font color=#0000FF>min</font>'); </script>
To color more names simply repeat the line in red. the first part is the username, with the second being the new name of the person. Use HTML <font></font> tags as shown for colouring!
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