Michael Moderator
Recoding the future Posts: 4,043 Status: Offline Gender: Male Location: UK Joined:
Additional Groups: Coding Team
pmvForum | Alert When PMing Staff (15th Mar 08 at 10:24pm UTC) | | This will popup a message when someone tries to PM a member of staff.
<script> function pm_user(member, message){ if(location.href.match(/\/pm_send\//) && location.href.match(member)){ alert(message); } }
pm_user('admin', 'Please Do Not PM the Admin!'); pm_user('god','I really am not God!'); </script>
Main Header
This line: pm_user('god','I really am not God!'); should be repeated. replace 'god' with the name of the member/staff member and then the other part: 'I really am not God!' with the message you want to display. | |